How to play domino

How to play domino

For a long time, our yards are not filled with loud cries: "Fish! Double! ". Do not lead fierce disputes two neighbor, playing already the sixth party, do not knock the knuckles domino on the wooden table. And a pity, it is not enough. But such a picture remained in the days of the USSR. It does not mean that Domino left fashion. In clubs for interests, on vacation, in a family circle, on the Internet, this game flourishes and does not slow down the revolutions.

History Domino

The country, who gave the life of Domino, is considered China and it happened in about the second century BC. His prototype was a game in the bone, which was brought to China from India in much earlier.

"Domino" is a French word that means winter clothes of the priest. Inside it was white, and outside black. "Domino" is also a kind of masks that represent a dark and light motif.

The knuckle for dominoes itself is a rectangle absolutely proper geometric shape, in which one length is equal to the width of two. The rectangle itself is divided into two parts of the horizontal strip and on each half the 1,2,3 ... 6 points are depicted. The usual set for the game consists of 28 bones, and at certain games take a set of 32 knuckles.

Types of bones for domino

  • In the initially conceived form, the domino game was made from ordinary bone or ivory, as well as from stone, but after the Millennium, this game became more accessible for ordinary people and for this it began to make it made from plastics, wood or various metals. Sometimes for the game in the domino take a deck of cards.
  • Not always on the modern domino depicted exactly points. It happens that the kids are created bones of Domino with animals, heroes of children's cartoons and other pictures. For example, during the Soviet Union, a domino game was very often sold with the image of a berry, playing her little children not only learned to think and memorize, but also taught the name of berry cultures.

How to play traditional domino

  • Play 2-4 people.
  • For two people, they distribute 7 bones, for three or four - on 5. The remaining postponed in the "bazaar", from where during the game there will be bones of players.
  • The player who came down "double six", or another double on falling, if the six remained in the "bazaar" (if no double did not come to the game in the game, then they do not go to the Bazaar, but begin with that bones, in which the amount of points is the highest, for example, 6-5).
  • The remaining players in turn should put bones with suitable values \u200b\u200b(6-1; 6-2; ...). If any of the players have a suitable knuckle, then he needs to take from the "bazaar" on one bone until the desired one will appear.
  • The game will end in two cases, if someone from the players lay out the last stone (in this case, the winner is recorded with glasses of all other players in the amount) or "Fish". This means that there are still stones in your hands, but there is nothing more to report to the current layout.
  • The winnings belong to the one who in his hands will remain the least points, he is written by the difference in shared points and it. The game can be continued to any predetermined amount, for example, 100 points.

Domino varieties

In Eastern countries, there are more sexy varieties in Domino. They differ in the knuckles, and the number of players, and the method of counting points.


In Russia, the greatest popularity was played by the game under the popular name of the goat. Basically, the rules of this game do not differ from the traditional (rules for starting, distribution by the number of players, distribution of knuckles, etc.). Therefore, let's call the distinctive features of this particular game:

  • the last knuckle remains in the "Bazaar", it is never taken;
  • the new tour begins the player who came out the winner of this, or the one who made the "fish";
  • glasses begin to record only when twenty-five and more are recruited;
  • when after the "fish" left the same number of points from several players, then these glasses, or "eggs" will add to the one who will lose in the next round;
  • loses one who scored one hundred twenty-five points and more, he is a "goat."

Sea goat

This game is the most popular in Russia, it is active and complex, compared to the rest of the domino varieties. You can play together either fourwise (then you can play a pair of diagonally). So, below the rules of the game in the "sea goat":

  • the glasses of all the losers write down the only one, the first player who came out;
  • if the player got a duplicate, which can be substituted in one move in different ends of the placed bones, then according to the rules of this game it is possible;
  • the player who first began to record his glasses, at any time, if the six pasta came to him, can start con first, and if he can win this round, then automatically wins the whole game, but if he loses with twenty-five glasses and more automatically loses the whole game;
  • if one of the players was able to finish Kon Dubl "0-0" - then he is a winner, it is called "Lysim Kozl". If the last double, who put the player "6-6" - it is also considered the winner, but only if at least one of the losers left more than 25 points on his hands;
  • when the player remains only the knuckle "0-0" - he has twenty-five points, if only "6-6" - fifty points, if "0-0" and "6-6" - immediately seventy-five.

As you notice, the differences in the rules of the game have very thin, and ways to play dominoes you can choose yourself. There is still "Donet", ChVV, "General", "Sports Lotto" and many others. Each company itself can decide how to play domino. Before the game, you can discuss the rules and write them on paper.

Recently, the games in the domino via the computer in the Internet space are increasingly popular. You can play with a computer, and you can play with real people through the network. The choice is yours!

In any case, take time and get acquainted with this wonderful game, because it develops attention, memory, logic. Yes, and just very nice to spend time behind the game with your friends. Good luck in the game!

Comments leave a comment
Oksana 09/29/2018 at 23:04

Good evening. Commude to figure out. Righteased in Domino. One of the players thought for a long time, delayed the move, and then took a piece of leaf and started writing. When we did a remark, he said that he had the right to think unlimited time and record too. Are there any rules. Thank you.

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