How to play fool

How to play fool

Card the gamefoolconquered popularity practically v everyone house. it interesting the game will allow to you with fun conduct evening and entertain noisy cheerful company!

1How play v simple fool

Mainly a deck for the Card game "Fool" is chosen consisting of 36 cards. Participate can take part from 2 to six people.

The main goal is to replay the whole deck, and on the last horse to reset all your cards faster.

  • Before starting the game, it is good to drag the deck, the top to shift is optional.
  • Establish each participant of the game of 6 cards. After completing the distribution of cards, open the first card lying in the deck and put on the playing table with a shirt up, this map is the defining visop.
  • The first move begins that player who has a smaller trump card.
  • You can start the move with any card you like, on the player sitting on the left of you.
  • Consider an example - if 6 worms have been done on you, you can beat off this card as the same MASTU (the MASTY is called the symbol of the card, in this example it is worms), but a large denomination - for example, you have 10 worms in stock. For the absence of the same suit, you can beat the card with any trump card. If you do not have a suitable card to end the stroke, under the conditions of the game both cards you take yourself.
  • After the completed move, the participants of the game should, not spying, pepper the card from the deck until 6. The very first card takes the participant who started the move, then pulls the cards remaining players, starting to move on the left.
  • When you beat off the card, it goes into the back, which until the end of the game it is impossible. The right of the next move on another player begins with you.
  • Participants continue to play until one player remains with maps. In this case, the player is considered to be a loser. The next game begins the participant, sitting on the left of the loser, making a course of it.

2) How play v  fool - various options

Exists various variations and supplements to traditional easy fool, connection all options together, whenever interesting and capturing the game.

  • Podgidprinciple games identic with simple fool, basic honors is an possibility toss cards such  same significance, what are located on playing table. First Thinks map player, permanent turn, further Cards participants throw out by order. Per one turn can toss not more 6 kart.
  • Translation – raisinka this variations concludes v volume, what you you can translate first converging under you map, feature that same meaning, on other player sitting left from you. Participant, on whom translated cards, also it has right translate cards on other player. Suppose on you go 10 peaks, you you can translate on other participant card under number 10 any masty, now beat off from these kart will another player. V the rest all regulations the same with simple fool.
  • Translation 2is an supplement to transferable fool, described above. V this variations you acquire right translate absolutely all cards on konu.  on other player. Participant, on whom you translated cards, must beat or accept all cards, translated on his. Suppose on you patent Map value 9 tambourine, you covered map 10 tambourine, player thinks to you yet one 9, but alreadytrumps, and you not you can her beat, but you can translate 9 cross to another participant.  Player should cover by all cards, if he not maybe, then picks all cards to yourself.

How to play fool and win

There are 5 honest secrets, how to play fool and constantly win:

  • Remember which cards went to the back, thanks to this, in the last decisive horse, you will know all the enemy cards and win, throwing him the card, which he will not be able to beat off.
  • Always leave at least one pair of cards with the same face value, it is very convenient when the enemy is decisive - you get rid of the maximum number of cards, and when you cover the cards there is a smaller probability that you will be thrown back.
  • Try to take away the trump cards from the enemy, entering it and throwing the cards with a lot of fault, for example, ace.
  • If you play in the podkin fool throw out all small cards without sorry so that at the end does not stay with the full fan of the deck in your hands.
  • In the process of the game, try to fight back with ordinary cards, the maximum number of big trumps. At the end of the game, you can always fight off, leaving the enemy in fools.

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