Autumn came, and gladiolus begin to delight with their beauty. These are delightful flowers! But these flowers require special attention, since absolutely unstable to frosts. Therefore, it is important to know how to dig up and store gladiolus.
How to dig up gladioli
Before proceeding to digging flowers, you need to know when you need to do:
- it is necessary to dig up until the temperature is lowered to -1 °;
- a month after the flowering of gladiolus;
- on the day of digging should be sunny weather.
Remember: if brown spots began to appear on the colors, the clubnelaukovitsa can be digging before.
Initially necessary:
- select first grades grown from tuberukovitz. Digging need to start with them;
- prepare a shovel or two scoop.
Process of digging
It is not difficult to dig up, you just need to follow the instructions:
- to embed to the soil of the blade, at a distance from the clubnellukovitsa 7 cm;
- drink along the row, deepening in the soil at 15 cm, flexing the handles of the blades;
- raise tuber blades;
- clearball from the Earth;
- fold in boxes.
Pruning gladiolus
Once all the gladioluses are dug, you need to pruning:
- crop near the tuberukovitsa stem;
- tear the old bulb from the new;
- cut roots.
What's next?
The bulbs are dug and they need to be prepared for storage:
- bulbs rinse in water;
- treat the clubnelukovytsy manganese;
- decompose gladiolus in drawers;
- dry clubnelukovitsa for 3 weeks indoors with a temperature of 25-30 ° C;
- then still dry the month at room temperature.
How to keep gladiolus
The bulbs were well dried and left only until spring to ensure their safety. It is most difficult to do it in the apartment, but still possible. For this you need:
- tubers individually to overtake with a newspaper or cloth;
- place in a dry and cool room with a temperature of 5 ° to 10;
- you can use the refrigerator by choosing a warm place in it;
- you can store the clubnelukovitsa in a box of shoes or box;
- if the clubnelluca will start germinate, then they need to dry for 2-3 days and put in a cooler room.
Tip: If a box with gladiols, put the chopped cloves of garlic, then it will disinfect air and create a favorable climate for bulbs.