Dahlia - when digging and how to store

Dahlia - when digging and how to store

How to look beautiful colored dahlias in autumn garden! If you want to plant flowers for next year - be sure to dig up the tubers in the fall of the land. Root tubers of dahlias fear the cold weather and winter they vymerznut. The plant can withstand a small freezing temperatures, but until strong frosts dahlias in the ground, do not leave. Preservation of planting material depends on proper storage.

When digging dahlias

The first frosts come in each region at different times. Saw that the plants leaves blackened by frost and flowers wilted - proceed to digging. Had not dug up with green leaves from the roots of dahlias pass food, and kidneys are preparing to bloom in the coming year. If you dig the plant prematurely - Club ill to continue in the coming season will bring a little color. Do not hold long black bushes in the ground after the frost - starts rotting of the root system and the kidneys.

Correctly dig dahlias

Prepare secateurs, small shovel or forks and rakes. Started digging dahlia:

  • break off the leaves and cut all the stems in large bushes. Cut the stem so that it remains up to ten to fifteen centimeters from the ground. No longer leave;
  • gently obkopayte shovel flower on a circle at a distance of 30 cm and the cut stem. Do not put the shovel close to the stems, the roots of the plants diverge away, and you damage them;
  • otgrebite rake the earth from the roots and gently fork or shovel to lift the tubers begin from the soil;
  • remove the excess land - Shake gently tuber or remove it by hand.

Do not help himself, pulling a bush behind the cut stalk from the ground! You damage the flower and it will disappear.

How to store dahlias - Preparation

Prepare for storing dahlias:

  • wash basin in a large tubers with water;
  • prune all thin roots;
  • place the dahlia half an hour in a bright pink solution of manganese. This reduces the possibility of infection with tubers with parasites and damage to rot. Instead of manganese can use any fungicide. If randomly damaged the tuber - sprinkle the problematic place with a torque coal or zamach the greenflash;
  • sweep the root system of colors. Leave the tubers in a cool place for five to six days.

Sign the seating material if different varieties grow in the garden, and in the spring you do not confuse. Georgina with powerful root tubers need to be divided, but do it in the spring, after winter storage.

How to keep Georgina - send flowers to "Winter"

There are the following storage methods:

  • in the cellar. Drop the tubers in the week and prepare spacious wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. Spread Dahlia in Tar and omit to the cellar. You can move them with dry sawdresses, moss or sand. If there are no suitable boxes - spread the root tubers on the racks in the cellar. Periodically browse the flowers. If the tuber was covered with mold or softened - throw away, otherwise he infects all other dahlias or treatable;
  • on a glazed balcony. In insulated boxes, fold the tubers and send it to winter. But on the balcony, the temperature should not rise above 10 degrees of heat and fall below zero. At a minus temperature, dahlia will die. During severe frosts, bring boxes in the room and set the balcony near the balcony - this is the cooler case for colors;
  • parafining. This will help keep the tubers in the apartment, if there is no cellar and balcony. Melt the paraffin in a saucepan to a liquid state and lower each dry and intact flower root to a baking neck. Immediately post the root to the film. After hardening the cortex of paraffin tubers put in the bag. Pour the wood chips in the package with flowers and keep the apartment in the cooler area. In the spring, clean the paraffin crust and plan the flowers.

Check periodically in winter all seats. Digitious tubers remove, filled - Moisturize. Make sure that rodents do not get to flowers in the cellar. Timely digging and proper storage will help you and next season to admire the bright flowering of amazing colors.

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