Power of attorney for the right to sign documents

Power of attorney for the right to sign documents

Registration of a power of attorney for the right to sign your documents is relevant for individuals and legal entities that cannot be independently present during signing. If everything is quite simple with an individual - you just need to make a special power of attorney on another person, then with organizations and legal entities everything can be more difficult. This article will consider both options for attorney.

How to make a power of attorney with the right to sign a physical face

If you urgently need to leave, but in the coming days there is an urgent deal with the obligatory signing of documents, then in this case the most logical to make a power of attorney for a person close to you.

This document will allow you to put a signature in the specified document and in the specified temporary interval instead of you on legal grounds. What exactly do you need to do this:

  • Take your passport;
  • Invite a trustee at the appointed time to notary;
  • The passport of the trustee will also be needed;
  • Make a power of attorney when notary, get it stamp and signature.

As a rule, a competent specialist will help you draw up the document most correctly, however, it is worth noting that the notary services are not always needed. The law does not oblige a power of attorney for signatures, but there are a number of cases in which the exclusively notarized power of attorney is valid, for example, signatures upon receipt of documents, manipulations with real estate. The best solution will refer to the notary.

What should be indicated in the power of attorney with the right of signature

The document itself can be written from the hand with a broken handwriting, however, its content should be clear and unequivocal. It is better to adhere to such a plan:

  • Information and trust, and trusted person, namely: Date and place of issuance of passport, number and series, full name, birth dates;
  • The date of the compilation of this power of attorney;
  • Its validity;
  • A specific list of documents that trusted for you can sign;
  • Your signature;
  • Printing and signature notaries if you have resorted to its services.

Special attention should be paid to the term of the power of attorney - if the dates are not specified, then the power of attorney for signatures is valid for one year from the date of its writing. If it is fundamentally important for you, it is better to specify the validity period, or a specific date, which the power of attorney will cease to be powerful.

Can the power of attorney for the right to lose force

Like any other document, the effect of power of attorney falls under various aspects of the law and may lose its legal force.

  • If the principal or trustee died;
  • When one of the involved persons is recognized as incapable;
  • If the principal needs early cancellation;
  • The trustee refused the authority.

Also, if we are talking about organizations and legal entities, then new items appear:

  • Termination of the organization implies and termination of all documents signed from it;
  • This rule can be attributed to the organization - the principal, and to the organization - a trusted person.

How is the power of attorney for the right to sign a legal entity

Power of attorney with the right of signature inside the organization can be signed by an authorized person without the participation of the notary. As a rule, the main problem becomes the search for this authorized person. In this case, it is always necessary to contact the Charter of the organization in which everything must be specified.

The rest of the power of attorney remains unchanged:

  • Full data on the trust and trusted person with their positions within the organization;
  • Validity of power of attorney and its signing;
  • Signatures, stamp;
  • A list of documents to which you can put a signature for the principal.

Samples of powertit proxies

To not write a document from hand, you can download the form and print it: blank power of attorney.

Remember that the conforest signature is posted in any case. The stamp is not suitable, and the power of attorney will be considered not real. Stamps and seals are put by only the organization and notary.

If you have any difficulties in completing the power of attorney to sign, you can always refer to the already filled sample.

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