How to buy a room in a communal apartment

How to buy a room in a communal apartment

The legacy of Soviet times, communal apartments still exist today, and for many they remain a good way to invest their funds and at least a temporary solution to the housing issue. How to legally buy out a room in a communal apartment so that there are no problems in the future?

First of all, you need to know that from a legal point of view you can buy a room, despite whether it is in private property or not. Of course, there are differences in the design of the redemption of rooms in different situations, but the main condition - the room should belong to the owner, so that no one claims to ownership subsequently.

Practice is common when one of the residents of the communal buys a room from their neighbors. When selling a room, it is necessary to notify the neighbors about this fact, because if the room is going to buy a foreign person, then one of the neighbors may be interested in and take advantage of its right to the advantage of the priority buyer. Otherwise, the neighbors of the communal must refuse to buy a room in writing to make it acquired any other buyer.

If the room is not privatized, it can be redeeming in the authorities of the city, only it is worth considering that in most settlements there is a turn of people who have the right to the priority redemption of such housing, according to Article 59 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

To make a ransom, it is necessary to notify the authorities about your desire to purchase a room. The next stage is the provision within a month in the housing department of the relevant package of documents: statements, an apartment plan and explication on floors, a single housing order is also required and a certificate of BTI with the cost of room costs.

If all the necessary documents are submitted within the required time, the ransom procedure will be easily and promptly. In the case of a good reason that prevented the room to notify the room on time, it should be documented (illness, the death of a loved one or similar circumstances). The final decision takes the Housing Commission, and in the case of a positive verdict, the sales contract will be concluded, which must be registered in the relevant state bodies.

By purchasing a room in a communal apartment, you should make sure that it has only one owner - the seller, and you will not have problems with other applicants for this accommodation. Observing all the necessary procedures, you can soon become the owner of though small, but the private room.

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