How to write a letter of attorney

How to write a letter of attorney

Contrary to popular belief, not necessarily a power of attorney to write on the computer and print, as it is nowhere spelled out. You can fill out a power of attorney from the hands and write the full text of it, then it shall be certified by a notary or other authorized person. There is another type of power of attorney, which does not require formal assurances, but the powers that are given a power of attorney, are quite small. In this article you will learn what should be the text of the power of attorney, as it is to draw up, and can also download some forms of powers of attorney, not to fill them yourself.

How to create a power of attorney

Before you write the text of the power of attorney, define for yourself what kind of powers you give to another person and for how long. You have to trust that person, or the text of the power of attorney to completely eliminate its ability to do any thing, have not provided it. Approximate proxy plan looks like this:

  • Name of the document - namely, the power of attorney.
  • Your personal data. Full name, position and address.
  • The exact description of the powers that you trust the person. You need to describe them clearly and precisely. For example, if you write a letter of attorney for affixing your signature in your place, please indicate exactly where the signature will be delivered and when.
  • Full name trustee, position and address.
  • Certification by the authorized person, if required.
  • Date and signature.

It is important to specify the date from which to start the power of attorney, as well as write the number to which it loses its power.

What should be in the power of attorney is required to

There are a number of criteria, without which your attorney may be invalidated.

  • Your signature should stand on the power of attorney. Stamps perevodki will not be considered, even your print signed. Only the personal signature of the passport, signed by hand.
  • You can not allow mistakes in names and names. Of course, it is better to prevent mistakes in full text of power of attorney.
  • Be sure to affix the date of power of attorney. For example, "power of attorney comes into force three days after signing." The date of signing is set near the signature.
  • Invalid correction in the power of attorney.
  • If you are unclearly determined the powers of a person, then the power of attorney may be doubted.

As you can see, there are no particularly rigid conditions, but you need to think well and weigh everything before writing an power of attorney. If there is a notary or other authorized person next to you, then it is better to consult with him.

Samples and blanks of powers

For your convenience, some samples of attals will be collected in .doc format, so you can look at them and reprint to your needs, or just enter your name and date to the power of attorney. Please note that the text of the power of attorney needs to be read carefully, and even on the printed version you must put a signature on hand.

As an example, you can take a ready form on the right to control a carby clicking on the link. Please note that some numbers need to be administered by one to the cell, and some are in the line. Such a blank can be filled, print and sign. Restore later.

You can also Download a sample power of attorney to receive mail. This form clearly regulates the terms of reference.
Rewrite dates, names and city.

You can use sample power of attorney to receive documents on either receiving funds.

Do not forget to fulfill the main criteria for power of attorney so that it takes effect.

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