What is url address

What is url address

URL Address is an integral part of all sites. Despite this, many do not know what it is and for what it is necessary. This article will help you figure out.

URL address and its components

URL address, roughly speaking, this is a link that leads to the site. For example, the URL address of our site - www.sovetclub.ru.. The address carries basic information about the site and its technical indicators:

  • Name of the site itself, i.e. Domain name (sovetclub.ru).
  • Protocol (www, http, https, etc.).
  • An additional way (what comes after the sign / and reports the specific page or the form of the site).

Name of the site

Before the site is placed in open access to the Internet, it passes a large life cycle. The life cycle of the site includes the following items:

Writing site code, HTML, CSS. Programmers and web designers through special web development languages \u200b\u200bare written by the structure of the visual and technical basis of the site.

Purchase hosting and domain. To make the site on the Internet, it is necessary to place it on a special virtual platform, which is called hosting. This service is offered different companies that work in this area. In addition, each site has its name, i.e. Domain. The domain comes up with the founder of the site, at its discretion. For the domain, as well as for hosting, it is necessary to pay some fixed amount.

Protocol Site.

How is the site being protected? How can he be trusted? Is there any likelihood that the site administrators will use your personal information at their discretion? Symbols that are facing the domain of the site are responsible for all these questions.

The most influential and secure sites have an HTTPS protocol. It decodes as follows: HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure.The last letter of the protocol "S", which translated into Russian means protected. Sites with such protocols can be completely trusted, because administrators took care of improving the technical parameters and protect your personal data.

The second in terms of trust protocol is HTTP. It is not protected to the end, but the degree of confidence in sites with such a protocol above. Sites with other protocols, such as WWW, do not enjoy big trust in search engines. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to trust this sites at all.

Additional way

An additional path clarifies the site page on which you are currently. Consider this on the example of our site. URL Address https://sovetclub.ru/kak-pit-kalcij In addition to the protocol and the domain name has the second, additional part. It is after the symbol / and looks like this: KAK-PIT-KALCIJ. This combination of characters clarifies the path.

Thus, if you enter into the search string https://sovetclub.ru, then you will be taken to the main page of the site. If you enter the request https://sovetclub.ru/kak-pit-kalcij, then you will be taken to the page of the site, where an article is written on how to drink calcium.

Now you know what the URL is and its components. Going to the site, you can calmly determine whether you can trust this site or not. That from the full URL address is a protocol that the domain and what is an extra way. Despite all of the above, about the URL address there are different theories that explain its essence in different ways.

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