Aliexpress offers a huge to choose from various products from Promethere, Hong Kong and Singapore both in Retail and small wholesale. Low prices, simple payment mechanisms and often free shipping attract more and more buyers from Russia every year. A russified version of the site Opens the world of overseas Internet shopping to people who do not know English. It is the last category of buyers often a problem occurs how to fill the mailing address so that the cherished product is delivered correctly.

After registration on Aliexpress. You must enter your profile, as shown in the picture below.

Then we move on top into the "Operations" tab, select the "Delivery Address" section in the left menu, after which you click on the "add" button in the central window.

Fill over the required fields in the delivery address form that appears and click the "Confirm" button below:

  • Contact name. Indicate your real name and surname in Latin letters. For the transliteration of Russian text, Latin letters can be used. automated tools.
  • Country / Region. Choose the desired country from the list.
  • Address. Here we write your address: the name of the street, the room at home and apartments (body, structure or any other clarifying information, if necessary). All this also indicate Latin letters, but so that the local postman understand, at what address to deliver a notice of sending.
  • Town. We indicate the name of your city. There is no difference whether this translation will be ( MOSCOW ") or transliteration ( Moskva ") Because for Chinese vendors and postal workers, this set of letters has no fundamental importance, and the domestic postal service delivers in the index of a particular compartment of mail, and only at the last stage the postman will read the above address of the residence.
  • State / province / district. In this field, you can specify the name of the region, the republic or the edge.
  • Postal code / code. This is very important information. Specify the index of your post office, otherwise the parcel can be lined or lost in the delivery process.
  • Tel / Mobile tel. Enter your phone number. Postal employees may need to clarify the shipping address, and they will call in case of problems with the delivery of the parcel.

The saved shipping address will be automatically available when order on Aliexpressthat will save time on making a purchase. You can add additional delivery addresses and, accordingly, recipients, and also to edit existing ones.

Comments leave a comment
patimat. 04/22/2015 at 13:10


To answer
links128. 14/11/2015 at 20:32

the state / province / district for Moscow needs to write or the district of Moscow of them are only 12 or just MOSCOW. If you do not know why to write?!

To answer

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