Each name has its roots and meaning, and also predetermines the fate of the person. For those who want to call their child with the name Svetlana or wears him since childhood, we will try to reveal all the secrets of this nice name.
What is the meaning of Svetlana
Svetlana's name speaks for itself. It happens from the word "bright" and originated from Slavic nations. The same name is a male race - Svetlan, but, unfortunately, it is very rare. What is impossible to say about the female version. Svetlana was very popular to call in Soviet times. And now it is located in the top ten of the most common names, yielding only Tatiana, Natalia, and Olga.
Svetlana's Slavic name corresponds to the Greek fotin, that is so small Svetka Name when baptism.
Character and Fate Svetlana
Little Svetlaks usually are Sociable and inquisitive children. They with great pleasure detect something new for themselves.
In school, the girl with this name of a special interest in classes do not show. Although the ability to study has, quickly all grab and remember. But it happens to them superficially. Svetlana can choose some one thing to which it will make special diligence and attention. Subsequently, her profession will be related to this subject.
Svetlana's sincere and sociable friends, not rarely becomes the leader of the company and the organizer of a variety of events. Svetlana loves to command, and it is confident that it has it right.
In adult life Svetlana full contradictions:
- She firmly knows what she needs in life, but in the most important and responsible moment can be collapsed from the selected path.
- It shows kindness and care for people, but at the same time can offend and cause a considerable mental pain.
- She tries to do everything disinterestedly, helps with joy, sometimes even to the detriment of himself. However, I will not miss it either.
- Svetlana with special diligence follows his appearance. Dress up in the last fashion, while it may even move and look a little ridiculous.
- Svetlana's personal happiness almost always depends on her itself. She enjoys success among male. But married the girl with this name is only after it will feel that the chosen one is worth it and has sincere feelings. Svetlana itself will not be imposed. In addition, it is very afraid to be attached to a person, open his feelings, and in response, not to get reciprocity. It also has distrust of men who, as she believes, is never able to completely rely.
- When Svetlana is comprehended by failures, it can all rethink and radically change the circumstances. With ease, changes work, place of residence and even ready to work on its own character, become more compliant.
- Svetlana's carepes of Svetlana draws little attention, they do not care at all. In some moments, she even likes when they say about it. It slightly tickles her vanity.
Name Svetlana in creativity
When Svetlana's pronunciation, Svetlana seems to sound clean, light melody. No wonder, many poets called the heroine of their editions by Svetlana. One of the more well-known works with this name is the Balland of Zhukovsky, which is called "Svetlana".
Often it is a melodious sound name you can hear in verses and songs. For example, known for many:
- Lullaby Svetlana;
- Brunette Sveta;
- Fairy light;
- Remember, light;
- Light, Svetla, Svetlana;
- Sveta - sweetie, etc.
Famous Svetlana
Among Svetlan there are many celebrities:
- actresses: Druzhinina, Nevolyaeva, Svetlynnaya, Toma (Fomicheva), Smirnova, Pushenichenko, Ustinova, Khodchenkova;
- singers: Svetikova, Loboda, Koltunov, Geima, Surganova, Razin;
- athletes: Cherniusov, Kunyysheva, Chorcina, Abrosimova, Romashina, Kolesnichenko.
- ballerina Zakharova;
- sailor-cosmonaut Savitskaya.
One of the first famous personalities with this name was Svetlana Josephovna Allyluweva, the daughter of Generalissimus of the Soviet Union Stalin.