How to call a boy born in September

How to call a boy born in September

September boys are easily achieved by the desired, their motto in life: "You go quiet - you will go further." Lucc and neat, such young men know when to make their move, and when it is better to stay aside. The boys born in September, non-conflict and difficult to go out, they retain calm even in the most difficult situations. Such children can give the original and extraordinary name to more actively develop their creative side. Learn some of the tips of astrologers to easily give the name of the September boys.

How to name a boy born in September - Astrology

Bring fortune to balanced and calm September boys such names:

  • Andrey,
  • Yaroslav,
  • Victor,
  • Timofey,
  • Charles,
  • Ostap
  • Cornelius,
  • Ephraim,
  • Seed
  • Makar.

To give a child with a strong purposefulness, pay attention to the names of Dmitry, Vyacheslav, Peter, Nikon, Nikita, Methodius, Savva, Philaret, Yakov, Daniel.

How to name the boy born in September - church names

Days of this or that saint possess special energy. It is believed that named after the church holy child will receive additional spiritual protection all his life.

Look at the detailed list of the Catholic and Orthodox Church.

  • September 1: Anatoly, Kirill, Nikolai, Ilya, Mark, Feofan, Nikita.
  • September 5: Ruslan, Joseph, Yaroslav, Valery, Artyom, Fedor.
  • September 6: Arthur, Moses, Artyom, Makar, Victor, Peter, Felix, Sergey, Seraphim, Avdea.
  • September 9: Athanasius, David, Veniamin, Mikhail, Joseph, Valery, Felix, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Kirill, Nikon, Pimen.
  • September 13: Gennady, Felix, Vladislav, Mikhail, Alexander, Aristarkh, Semen.
  • September 14: Cornelius, Averali, Mark, Semen.
  • September 17: Alexander, Carnellies, Gavril, Ivan, Karl, Alexey, Pavel, Clear, Savva, Stepan, Semyon, Methodius, Julian, Averali, Klim, Ilya, Grigory, Philaret, Leonard, Fedos.
  • September 18: Gleb, Artemy, Fedos, Zakhar, Kizim, Ion, Fedor, Ostap, Tikhon, Avedea.
  • September 21: Leonty, Aurelius, Ivan, Egor, Prokop.
  • September 24: Gavril, Isaac, Zakhar, Roman, Timur, Nikolai, Nikita, Bogdan, Sidor, Karl, Victor, Karl.
  • September 25: Alexey, Averali, Kupriyan, Mark, Andrey, Semen, Carnellies, Fyodor, Julian, Climenti, Ion, Ivan.
  • September 29: Victor, Taras, Timur, Isaac, Oleg, Ilya, Alexey, Egor, Taras, Oswald, Sergey, Philaret, Dorofey.
  • September 30: Akim, Dmitry, Veniamin, Illarion, Ivan, Ivan, Yaroslav, Miron, Andrei, Vladimir, Joseph, Pavel, Ilya.

How to name a boy born in September, in honor of great people

Giving a child the name of the famous and outstanding person means to submit a good example for imitation. Pay attention to the baby, what merits from the name of the name, than he is famous and how he influenced the story, the boy will be interested in your words right away.

In September there are such iconic dates:

  • September 1 was born a brilliant poet of the last century Innocent Annensky, Andrei Platonov - famous and famous writer, Chemist Valery Legasov.
  • September 6 celebrated Birthday Ivan Fifth, ingenious psychologist Edgar Rubin, Poet Sergey Ostrovsky.
  • September 12 is famous for the names of Stanislav Lema - Writers and Screenshots, Violipacha and Cerizer Vladimir Spivakov, Prince Vasily Shuisky.
  • On September 24, the boy can be called Gregory, in honor of the Military Grigory Potemkin, or Adrian to push the sciences.

You can find a complete list of such names in any calendar. Or give preference to your distant relatives, grandparents, close friends.

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