How to call a boy born in August

How to call a boy born in August

Astrologers say that the name of the newborn defines its further fate, health, professional skills and level of intelligence. You are tormented by the question - how to call the boy born in August? I want it to bring good luck in life. Please note that the mature son must be proud of his name. Therefore, when choosing a name, pay attention to the prosecution, its value, fashion trends and their religious views.

How to call a boy born in August for a church calendar

You can call the Son in honor of the Holy, on the day of which he was born. The saints proposed the names of the saints that are recalling in churches on certain days. Here are some of them:

  • August 1 - Grigory, Varlaam, Seraphim, Roman, Stepan;
  • August 5 - Vitaly, Apollo, Trofim;
  • August 10 - Moses, Prokhor, Pavel, Efim, Julian, Timon;
  • August 15 - Cyril, Vasily, Ivan, Taras, Nicodemus;
  • August 20 - Gregory, Anastasius, Nikanor, Mitrofan, Feodosiya;
  • August 25 - Panfil, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Stepan, Sergey, Foty;
  • August 31 - Sofron, Frol, Denis, Emelyan, Georgy, Ivan, Illarion.

This is not all names, familiarize yourself with them in Orthodox sacraticles. If the boy was born on August 25, for example, but you did not like any name, do not be discouraged. You can safely call Son with the name of another holy from the August list. Your child will definitely be a patronage of this holy.

How to call a boy born in August name on zodiac signs

Lion is the zodiac sign of boys born until August 23. These boys grow up brave, often become creative personalities. We strive for the beautiful, love life in all its manifestations, but they are naive. Despite egoism, they are kind and tremble to the family. The best names for boys on the sign of the lion will be:

  • Artem, Abram, Alexey; A lion;
  • Zakhar, Bogdan, Herman, Ilya;
  • Roman, Nikolay, Rostislav, Zakhar, Yang.

If the baby appeared on the light after August 23 - he is a virgin on the sign of the zodiac. These are calculated, cold-blooded and rational personality. But they are calm and well learn at school. The child needs to give the corresponding zodiac sign Name:

  • Arnold, August, Boris, Valery;
  • Anton, Denis, Ivan, Leonid, Prokhor;
  • Maxim, Semen, Savva, Valentin.

How to name the boy born in August in honor of famous people

If you want to call the Son with the name of a famous personality, such celebrities appeared in August:

  • artist Ilya Repin;
  • actor Robert de Niro;
  • president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko;
  • artist Oleg Tabakov;
  • boxer Nikolai Valuev.

We call the boy born in August - useful tips

When choosing a name for sons, listen to useful recommendations:

  • do not call the baby with church outdated name. For example, the name Akaka. It is in the Orthodox calendar, but very old. In the future, the boy's name can laugh at school and come up with a hurt nickname. Choose another name for the Orthodox calendar;
  • do not call the baby an exotic name. For example, igentr or Brooklyn. Maybe you want your son in the future to be a champion in swimming or called Son, because he was born in Brooklyn. But one negative will bring the name to the younger child. Children with strange names are more nervous and often fall into difficult situations. And the unusual name makes them eccentric;
  • think how the child's name will be combined with his patronymic. Everything should be harmonious;
  • psychologists do not recommend calling the Son in honor of the Father. In the future, the child will have mental discomfort, and it can get all the father's traits of character.

Name the child as the heart suggests you. But the name of the sins should be simple, harmonious and memorable, because he will live with him all his further life. And when his child will be born, the name will become also a beautiful patronymic.

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