How to call a boy born in July

How to call a boy born in July

July boys are distinguished by a very deep and sensual nature, they will take everything close to heart, although trying not to show this surrounding. All of their decisions will be well thought out and weighed, they rarely come in promenade. The boys born in July, in childhood, remain curious squads: they want to know everything, and just ask about this in adults not enough. They will want to touch things, head up for other children, find out how everything works. The names of the July boys should choose calm and harmonious to draw them offensiveness. Read some tips of astrologers on this.

How to call a boy born in July - Astrology

There are a number of names that are favorable for July boys, based on the sign of the zodiac, as well as the position of the planets. Pay attention to such names:

  • Leonthi
  • Ivan
  • Gleb
  • Julius,
  • Svyatoslav,
  • Alexei,
  • Novel.

This balanced their inner world will give peace of mind and determination. Names Mikhail, Yakov, David, Denis, Paul, Sergey, Andrei, Valentin, Vasily will become a good key to the creative development of the child, and Konstantin, Anatoly, Philip, Matvey, Thomas, Kuzma, Tikhon, Timur - for the logical warehouse of the mind in the future. Refuse to behave Ruslan, Ipathia, Imanuel, Galaktion, Essay or Yaroslav, as they will make the July boy too sentimental.
The boys, born under the constellation of cancer, always seek to do everything in their own way, that is why it is so important to thoughtfully select him the name so that the stubbornness and the directness of the child in the future did not interfere with his inner equilibrium.

How to name a boy born in July - church calendar

Choosing the name of the church saint at the specified date, will give the child additional protection and custody throughout life. Look at some names of the names for the July boy.

  • July 1.
    Alexander, Leonty, Vasily, Sergey, Marat, Martin, Felix, Yang, Yuri, Peter.
  • July 7.
    Anton, Ivan, Artyom, Lukyan, Nikita, Felix, Yang, Mikhail.
  • July 8.
    Petr, Vyacheslav, Nikon, Nikolay, Anatoly, Albert, Demyan, Konstantin, Denis, Prokop, Ilya, Fedor.
  • the 14 th of July.
    Alexey, Arkady, Peter, Nikolay, Kuzma, Ivan, Vasya, Leonte, Konstantin, Pavel, Felix, Demyan, Johan.
  • July 15.
    Nikon, Peter, Tikhon, Fotius, Vasily, Yakov, David, Ignatius, Mark, Georgy, Felix.

You can learn a complete list on specialized portals dedicated to the thread of Christianity or another faith. Each date corresponds to its set of names.

How to call a boy born in July, in honor of great people

Every month is famous for its list of the most prominent personalities. Name His Son in honor of a particular scientist, poet, a figure - an excellent choice for the future child. For instance:

  • On July 1, the Soviet warlord Sergey Sokolov was born, Carl Lewis athlete.
  • On July 4, you can pay attention to Alexander, in honor of the artist Alexander Pirogov, or Yuri, in honor of the Olympic champion.
  • July 10 celebrates the birthday of the Great Man - Nikola Tesla, which will be Nikolai in Russian meaning.
  • July 12, you can dedicate to the name Yuri, as few people have appeared on the world, but this is no less significant director Yuri Zavadsky. And also actor Peter Aleiniki.
  • On July 29, pay your attention to Ivan, in honor of the artist - Marinist Ivan Aivazovsky. Perhaps the boy will dyate to art.
  • On July 30, the spiritual figure of the seraphim church was born. This name you can meet in the church calendar of the names, his full name is Seraphim Sarovsky.
  • And on July 31, a world record for jumping by Russian athlete Sergey was committed. This will pay attention to the child to the sport and its achievements.

Choosing the name of the scientist, poet or other famous person, you are there or otherwise pay the attention of the boy to this science. Full list you will always find on Wikipedia's expanses or specialized portals. In addition, it is not necessary to match the date of birth of a scientist and a child, because in honor of a decent man a boy can be called at any time of birth.

It is no less important to choose the appropriate name for the surname and the patronymic of the baby, since some original names can simply be embarrassed from the full name of the child in the future, which can look somewhat ridiculous. If your surname is purely Russian, like "Ivanov, Petrov", then the best solution will be the harmful Slavic or Latin name: Alexander or, for example, Yaroslav. In the case of disagreements, you can give a child a double name that will be enshrined in his passport, and later the boy himself will choose one of two, or leave both names, data to him at birth.

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