How to call a girl born in November

How to call a girl born in November

November girls are very incredulous, they do not forgive lies and deception, and also try to keep the people only trusted and close to themselves. Last month of autumn, the girl, born in November, sometimes there is a Surov and cruel, its subtleship is better to kill a soft and feminine name, which can bring a little counterweight into her character. Look at the full list of church names, as well as on astrological recommendations for November girls.

How to call a girl born in November - Astrology

According to the advice of astrologers, the November girl should be gifted by a melodic and smear name, which is perfectly suitable for its zodiac, for example:

  • Anna,
  • Irina,
  • Galina,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Caroline,
  • Praskovya,
  • Anastasia,
  • Capitolina,
  • Maria,
  • Sophia
  • Elizabeth,
  • Nellie,
  • Ulyana
  • Efrosinia
  • Clara,
  • Praskovya,
  • Ariadne,
  • Zlata
  • Claudia
  • Zinovia
  • Natalia,
  • Lyudmila.

It costs to refrain from: Margarita, Marina, Catherine. These names are able to make a resonance in the sensitive character of the girl and deliver a lot of inconvenience.

How to name the girl born in November - church names

Pay attention to the meaning of some church names of November, so you can give a child with a sonorous, meaningful name, which will give him the patronage of the saint.

  • November 1 - Cleopatra, that from the ancient Greek "daughter of the Great Father."
  • November 2 - Martha, translated from Syrian means "noble", and from the ancient Jewish "sadness".
    Matrius, the old word, the literal Russian meaning "of nobility", with Latin has a translation of "hostess, honorary guest".
  • November 9 - Capitoline, formed from the Latin name of the Great Capitol, the place of construction of the city of Rome, has a different meaning of all, royal.
    Ilona - "Light", "Sun", "Fire Torch".
    Ellina is the "shine of bright light."
    John, this is a biblical name, literally meaning the "gift of God."
  • November 14 - Ulyana or Juliana, this is the Russian form of the Slavic named after Julia.
    Agrippina or Agraphena.
    Irma, translated from the German "belonging to everyone", and from the ancient German "Justice".
  • November 19 - Alexander, which means "protecting".
    Nina, with the Jewish granddaughter, and from the old Assyrian "Queen".
    Claudia or Claudia.
    Olesya - "Forest", "Forester".
  • November 23 - Anna.
    Olga, this is the Scandinavian name of Helga, means "wisdom and holiness."
  • November 25 - Karina, formed from the Latin "Ahead of All", from the Italian "Beauty".
    Eliza or Elsa.
  • November 27 - Theodore.
    Odetta, which is translated from the German "Premier", and from the Greek "grace".
  • November 30 - Ustinya, from Latin "Justice", and from the ancient Slavic word "mouth," literally "says the truth."

How to name a girl born in November - General Tips

The November girl is simply necessary melodic and soughtful name, for example, Anastasia, Alexander, Catherine. In addition, it is better to choose names that have a few caressing and official forms, so the girl will hear more variations of his sound, which is more beneficial psychologically.

Do not forget that it should be well combined with the surname and patronymic of the child, and also like both parents. If you choose from different names, it is better to call a child with a double name and give it the opportunity to choose yourself when performing eighteen years old.

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