How to call a girl born in January

How to call a girl born in January

Selection of the correct name for the child is a very important occupation. It must comply with the nature and personal qualities of a person, not to make a contradiction with them, and in some cases even ask new features. Look, what names will be the best solution for the girl who was born in January.

How to call the Devork born in January - astrological names

January girls, like all the Capricorn, have a well-developed intuition. Their observation and ability to predict events will affect others. The nature of such a girl will be somewhat rigid and volition, from here their purposefulness and well-being. In the future, there may be the best leaders, hold high positions. They are not of those people who can stay on the achieved and forget about the top of the career - these girls will rise up all their lives and do not despair for a minute.

Astrologers are worse from "soft" names for January girls, because it can go against the main features of their character. This can cause apathy and depressive states in the future, it happens often when a person can not understand what it really is. Refuse such names:

  • Catherine,
  • Zhanna,
  • Dina,
  • Darya.

For Capricors, they will not benefit. It is better to pay attention to the names for strong people who are confident:

  • Ulyana
  • Anastasia,
  • Anice,
  • Irina,
  • Eugene,
  • Love,
  • Pauline,
  • Natalia,
  • Lyudmila
  • Maria,
  • Nina,
  • Alexandra,
  • Tatiana.

The names of Eugene, Anice and Natalia will give a girl some femininity, love for a homely hearth. And Maria, Nina and Alexander will ask a good rate of development of creativity.

How to name the Devork born in January - church names

To give the church name, the child follows only on certain days of the calendar, so if your child was born into one of the dates below, pay attention to the name that corresponds to it.

  • January 1 - Aglaya.
  • January 2 - Charlotte, which means "free person" and dread, translated "Heiress, owner" or "fragrant" from Greek.
  • January 3 - Julia from Greek "Kudryavaya", and from Latin "July". From the Hebrew "Divine Fire". Also comes up with the name Ulyana, that from Latin means "belonging to the genus Yuliyev".
  • January 4 - Anastasia, this name means "resurrection". Feodosia is a "gift of God." Angela, from the Greek "Angel". Elizabeth, translated "honoring God." Eliza or Elsa - from the German "Noble Virgin", in the Hebrew meant "oath God."
  • January 5 - Eva or Susanna.
  • January 6 - Eugene, which means "noble". Claudia or Claudia, as well as Agafia or Agatha from Greek "kind, good." On this day, the church Catholic name of Christina is fits that from the ancient Greek means "the sequence of Christ".
  • January 8 - August, from Latin "sacred, majestic." The name of Mary, Agrippina or Agraphen and Anfisa, from the Greek "flower", revered in any Christian churches.
  • January 9 - Alice, Translated from the Noble Rhoda. Antonina, from the ancient Greek "opponent", "opposing".
  • On January 10, attention should be paid to the names of Domn, Feofila (from the Greek "Loving God") Agafya or Agat and Antonina.
  • January 12 - Anisia, from the Greek "beneficial", Maria, Fedor, that from the Greek "granted by God", Arina is derived from Irina on ancient Greek, meaning "peaceful". Irina, Margarita.
  • January 14 - Vasilina, Emilia.
  • January 15 - Ulyana.
  • January 16 - Clementine, from Latin "Merciful, indulgent". Zinaida, from Latin "caring".
  • January 25 - Tatiana.
  • January 27 - Nina.

Ideal will be the days in which the name church and the name of the astrological is the same. For example: Nina, Tatiana, Irina, Eugene.

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