9 days after death - what it means?

9 days after death - what it means?

It has long been noted Orthodox 3,9,40 days after the person's death. And what do these days, and some of their sacred meaning. In this article, we will examine Deviatiny person's death, what they mean, and certain aspects of the event.

What happens in the first 9 days after death?

These days, the human soul is in the end of life's journey. At this time, the search for a new world. This day is an important step in the afterlife journey. During this period, the angels ask God for protection and mercy. From 3 to 9, the day the deceased passes inspection in Paradise, in the expectation that he will go to heaven or hell. From this day on the fortieth soul is in the ordeal and she had to go through many temptations before the Heavenly Court.

There are people who believe in reincarnation. During this period, review and revision of the mistakes that have been committed in life. Everyone knows that the just elected Paradise, and sinners - hell. In the period after the death of their relatives should try to let go of the deceased out of his mind and heart. Otherwise, the soul will be very difficult to find shelter.

The Orthodox believe that up to 9 days, the dead are introduced to Paradise, and from 9 to 40 - with Hell. On day 9 of the deceased soul forgets about the pain, as the soul and body, and sinful at life in this period begin to repent. For sinners is especially important during the period to about him praying family, the only way he can responsibly before God at the Judgment. During this period, no harm will be to order a prayer service in the church and praying in the temple at the time of service of novopristavivshemsya.

Conduct funerals

So, what should be done on that day:

  • Serve kutyu of wheat with honey. Wheat can replace rice. This is not just sweetness, here there is a sacred meaning. Cereal grains mean that the person brings to the next world, is reborn to a new life stage. It grows as a grain in the new world. A sweet syrup will mean sweet stay, because all the relatives believe that the dead go to heaven.
  • Also, as a first course must be submitted soup. Further, the menu does not specify - fish, meat. All depending on whether the event for the duration of fasting is necessary.
  • Invitation to the wake in the day for the guests is not required, they have to come themselves, but by tradition, except for immediate family members should also be the ones who washed the dead and dug grave. Of course, if it does not close neighbors and people from the funeral home, this tradition is losing its meaning.
  • At the beginning of the funeral feast should read the "Our Father." Next, you should try and drink kutyu compote or juice. Alcohol is prohibited at the wake. Since alcoholism is a vice and sin can harm the deceased at the time of constant presence at the trial. For this reason, it should not be too excel with dishes, as well as gluttony is a sin.
  • If the products after the memorial still remain, they should give to those who ask, and to the poor, but it is forbidden to throw them out.
  • In any case it is impossible to sing at the funeral, have fun and dance. The entire procedure must be carried out quietly, with the honorable memory of the deceased.
  • In no case shall the dead up to 40 days you can not say a bad thing. because the Day of Judgment all of the words will be considered and decided to stay dead. Bad words carry the scales in the negative direction for the dead and predict for him to hell.

What do the relatives of the deceased on the ninth day?

Actions relatives should be as follows:

  • It should go to church and light a candle for the deceased in a special candle holder, order a prayer for the dead.
  • Before noon to visit the grave and remove it, bring new wreaths. You also need to light a candle. At the grave can leave sweets, alcohol is forbidden to leave.
  • While staying at the grave should be mentally or aloud to talk with the dead, remember the good moments of his life. But in no case can not cry, do not tear the soul of the deceased, who still walks the earth.
  • On the way to the cemetery to give alms, you can do it and when you exit the church.
  • Home light a candle near the photographs of the deceased and prepare the funeral dinner.
  • On this day, it is already possible to remove the black curtain with mirrors in all rooms except the room of the deceased.

How to calculate the 9 days?

It seems that the question is simple, but often it occurs before the relatives to the time of death. So the first day is a day of death. Event occurring to 00:00 and is the first day of the reference date and the future anniversary death.

  • It is important to be sure to note the date of death to correctly calculate when there will be 3.9 and 40 days
  • In addition, a mathematical calculation in this case is incorrect
  • After all, if for example a person died the 15th day, according to the calculations: 15 + 9 \u003d 24, and in fact will be the date of commemoration of 23, because 15 is already taken into account as the first day of death

Also, many people mistakenly believe the day of death of the funeral date, that is, when, roughly speaking, the deceased was placed in a coffin and buried in the grave. This is absolutely wrong. date of death will be that when a person's heart stopped.

Each man faced with the death of loved ones. And to know certain traditions are not so much want, so much need. Therefore, to the dead man was transported to paradise gardens, it should be done properly in this way.

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