After buying a new laptop, first of all, you need to adjust it correctly. Setting is better to start with the installation of BIOS. In order to change the BIOS, there are many additional programs. But there are cases when it is not possible to apply these programs. This situation will have to work and apply some knowledge of the DOS system.
To reinstall the BIOS, you need to connect to the Internet and take an external medium. At the first stage, when reinstalling the BIOS, find out who is a laptop manufacturer. You can do this by looking at the instruction attached to the laptop, it is there that the manufacturer will be listed. If for some reason the instructions are not, you can find it, removing the cover and finding the chip on the motherboard, it is usually highlighted by a bright sticker. This chip contains all data on your laptop.The process of reinstallation of the BIOS passes quite simply and quickly. To do this, you will need to start the BIOS installation program in the operating system and wait for the installation of this package. Then on your laptop will be reinstalled with the already new version of the BIOS.