Crafts do it yourself for birthday

Crafts do it yourself for birthday

It is difficult to choose a gift to a person who has everything. But you can always surprise by making a unique gift with your own hands, because Hand-Maid is always in demand. We present you options for interesting crafts for a gift.

Check book of desire

There are several options for such a book. You will need paper and printer. On the Internet you can find pictures of the templates to such a book.

  • Mostly it is designed for a gift to a young man, because the options for desires are a massage session, the admonness of the offense, a romantic dinner.
  • But such a book can be supplemented with parents and girlfriend. You should only change the desires. For parents, it can be a house cleaning, a nice gift, a conversation for souls.
  • Girlfriend will suit such desires as the forgiveness of the offense, the day of entertainment, psychological support.
  • The checkbook is usually designed for the year of desires.

A gift from felt

Now the felt makes a lot of useful things: pillows, nominal panels, toys, imitating owners. The birthday girl will be happy with an unusual doll with his face and clothing, a nominal panel or a pillow in the form of a capital letter of his name.

Cakes and caps

If you have a culinary talent, a great gift of a birthday girl will be a delicious cake, decorated with mastic and original figures. If there is no time on the cake, the box of neat cupcakes with the words of congratulations written on them will also become an excellent gift.

Topiary or bead tree, bead painting

Decorate a room a tree or a bead flower. This is a rather painstaking job, so it is necessary to start it in advance to catch to the celebration. You can embroider a bead picture. Faster make the topiary. It can be paper, fabric. And you can make a tree from coffee beans, it looks beautiful and the aroma pleases.

Scrap album, diary or postcard

Pretty expensive, but worth a gift - scrap album. It can be adjusted under the tastes and the theme of the birthday man, be it a traveler, fisherman, housewife. A scrap-diary or planner will also come in handy. If it is difficult to master this, use the simplified version of the scrap card. Volumetric flowers and butterflies will even revive the banal postcard.

Having made a gift with your own hands, you guarantee a birthday name that the present is performed qualitatively and the soul particle is invested. A gift for which you worked will be memorable and adjustable individually under the tastes and requests of the birthday room. Do your hands!

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