Tuch finger how to remove the ring

Tuch finger how to remove the ring

For a long time, the ring among the jewelry won the leading positions. In addition, this is the most famous symbol of love and loyalty, and therefore the newlyweds are exchanged by the wedding rings. Sometimes with a long sock due to temperature differences, edema, hormonal changes swell. There are many effective ways how to remove the ring without injury to the limbs and deformation of the product itself.

The method of lubrication of the finger is quite popular to the ring "slipped". First, try to carefully scroll through the product and apply one of the following funds to your finger:

  • liquid soap;
  • petrolatum;
  • lotion or ointment.

Sometimes you should wait a bit to get rid of the ring. In the evening, the hands swell, but by the morning swelling, and easily decoration is removed. If the swelling has not passed, try using water to solve the problem:

  • Pour into a small bowl of cold water, lower your hand in 5 minutes. After lifting your hands for a couple of minutes. For greater effect, attach several pieces of ice to the skin of the finger.
  • Prepare a salt solution. Better use sea salt than cooking. Take a wide bowl. Pour 400 ml of cold water into it and dissolve 2 tbsp. Salt. Lower in the bowl of hand for 5-10 minutes.

To remove the ring with a swollen finger, use the winding method:

  1. Credit in an eyelet of a thin needle a silk thread with a length of about 1 m. Gently skip the needle under the ear ring up, i.e. towards the nail plate. Thread tightly wrap the whole surface of the finger. Now unwind the tangle from the bottom of the finger, the ring at the same time will rise up and removes without problems.
  2. Take the scotch and wipe your finger. Try to stick the tape under the ring. Then the finger is the finger and twist the ring.

Put on the swollen finger compress with PRANIAN. To do this, dissolve 1-2 g of powder in 50 ml of water. Several layers of bandage moisten in solution and wrap the finger. Also, compresses with aloe juice and oak bark are applied to the sore place. For this prepare decoction. To 100 ml of boiled water add 2 tbsp. l. Oak bark. Insist hour in a warm place. 3-4 drops of aloe juice are added to the finished solution.

The most radical ways for removing the ring: sawing products and appeal to the trauma. Alone to cut the ring is dangerous, because There is a possibility of injury to limbs. If at home to remove the decoration from the swollen finger, consult a qualified help to avoid complications.

Be sure to focus on the sensation when removing the ring. Stop if the process causes pain. If, after removing the ring, the tumor finger does not fall, it is an alarm signal. It is not excluded that the suppuration began.

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