Blood flour like fertilizer

Blood flour like fertilizer

Blood flour - a little-known, but high-quality fertilizer of a strong action that can revive acid and non-homing soil. What are the rules for using fertilizer, advantages and disadvantages of the mixture? Learn all about blood flour right now!

Description and composition

This type of fertilizer refers to mixtures of organic origin, not subject to chemical processing. For this flour of this type and is valued by gardeners and gardeners. The composition of the fertilizer is completely natural, and the product is affordable in any flower shop.

For the manufacture of fertilizers, it is used, as a rule, the blood of horned livestock, which is mined on slaughterhouses when slaughtering for meat. Of the incomplete blood, a vitaminized feeder for plants with a high concentration of nitrogen substances is produced. Blood flour is suitable for feeding vegetable and garden and flower crops.

Characteristic features of blood flour

Such fertilizer can solve one of the most important tasks for the successful growth of garden and garden crops, namely, it raises the soil with nitric substances. This is important at certain moments of vegetation of plant crops and at such a time nitrogenous fertilizers are indispensable. They provide growth, strengthen the root system and create favorable conditions for fruiting.

But, like any feeding, blood flour has both its shortcomings and benefits. What should pay attention to when choosing blood flour for your garden?

Advantages of fertilizer

The use of blood flour for feeding plants has such advantages:
reduces soil acidity;

  • provides rapid growth of plants;
  • improves the composition of the soil;
  • eliminates yellow spots and provides violent landscaping;
  • increases the yield of many cultures;
  • scares all rodents and many pests from plants due to an unpleasant odor;
  • increases the fertility and nutritionality of the soil.


Despite the pros, such an organic connection has the following disadvantages that each gardener should know about:

  • when applied, it is important to observe clear dosages to prevent the burns of the leaves and the root system;
  • reduces potassium concentration in the soil;
  • the shelf life of blood flour is limited - no more than six months after opening;
  • reduces phosphorus concentration in the soil.

It is also important to take into account that this mixture reduces the acidity of soils, therefore it is rational to use on soils with extremely high acidity.

How to determine the soil?

It is extremely important to correctly determine the acidity of the soil before using blood flour, as the fertilizer is a strong deoxidizer. Soil acidity An experienced gardener can determine the first form, but it is important for beginners to navigate the important signs of acidic soil:

  • soil looseness;
  • sharp smell of dampness.

If the land in hand does not stick to the fingers, the soil is fat and it is not necessary to delay it - it is enough just to carry out the procedure for the limestone with the ground shell, dolomite flour or lime flour.

Terms of Use

Those subsidiaries that are faced with a similar mixture for the first time, are interested in how to apply fertilizer to feed plants. It is extremely important to know about the rules for the use of blood flour on different soils, since errors in using this feeding are fraught with burns and the adverse state of soil in the future.

You can use blood flour in two ways:

  • dry;
  • divorced.

For the second method, it is important to properly dilute blood flour - at the rate of 1 part of the fertilizer on 50 parts of water. For a more enriched composition, it is important to add bone flour to a mixture - to balance the solution of potassium and phosphorus. The resulting solution insists at least two days, thoroughly stirring from time to time. But, immediately before watering, the solution is not recommended.

During the insistence of the container it is worth a tight cover with a lid so that nitrogen does not attract insects. Watering plants needed under the root, not falling on the plant itself and foliage. The most efficient use of feeding in spring time - as an additional protection against rodents.

It is important to use blood flour rationally so as not to burn the plant. Dosage excess can cause stains burning on the leaves and in general to cohere the shoots. For rational use, it is necessary to use blood flour in just one - in the spring, to build up the green mass of the plant and the enrichment of the soil before the bootonization.

In general, blood flour is an inexpensive starting fertilizer of nitrogen composition, which is indispensable in spring time. The mixture compensates for the increase in yield, prevents the use of excessive amounts of pesticides and improves decorative colors and trees.

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