In order for you on the land plot, you have always had a good harvest, and the flower beds were more beautiful than that of the neighbors, it is necessary to pay a lot of time and forces to all of this - to care. Water and fertilize. Someone may think that this process is very complex and costly, but in fact care for plants and cultures can be without special spending, using, for example, ash and solution from it. Let's talk today, as such a solution to do, for which it is needed and how to use it correctly.
Ash and its properties
In horticulture and crop production, wood ash is often experienced, because it is an excellent assistant in this industry. For beginners in this matter, it may not be too effective such a component, but in fact, the result of its effectiveness can be seen quite soon after use, so you can keep in mind this fact.
The ash of this type can be used both in a dry form and in the form of a solution. The main advantage of such a useful composition is its cost, and in this case it is zero, so that no costs in this process are not expected. Do not worry if you do not have a lot of free time, do not worry, because for the preparation of the ash solution you will not need a lot.
The main properties of the ash solution is that he acts:
- effective fertilizer
- fungicide
- pesticide
First you need to "cook" ash - to do it very simple:
- Collect on the summer or land plot at the end of summer, the beginning of the autumn remains of the organicists, which will no longer need you - cut branches of trees, grape vine, dried leaves of currant, gooseberry and other green plantings on the plot. It is not necessary to do it in the fall, you can also go to the "creation" of ash and early spring from branches and leaves, which were under the snow all winter, just before that they will need to dry.
- When raw materials are ready, it must be buried, so we will build a fire and wait until all the components in the fire burned and turn into the ash that we need. It should be noted that not only branches and leaves are burned in the fire, but all fungi and viruses, so that the resulting ash is clean.
The composition of ash
The fertilizer under consideration is very useful, some derivatives of calcium are in the ash of wood. When you feed the soil and plants with such a solution, they get a lot of useful components and substances that resume the properties of the Earth and help plants develop.
After the combustion products turn into ash, immediately need to be transferred to a dry place or lick into the glass container, because most of the useful components can wash out with precipitation (snow, rain).
Watering by an ash solution of plants and soil:
- roots better absorb moisture
- harmful salts do not so adversely affect the growth and development of plants
- the respiratory process of all plants and soil is normalized
If you want to make an oloc mortar as efficient as possible, you can connect it with nitrogen fertilizer.
Many experienced gardeners and gardeners are saturated with seeds before sowing useful components with a solid solution:
- We prepare an ral solution and insist you for a couple of days.
- After that, you will need to filter the solution and pour into deep dishes.
- We place the seeds in this solution that you are going to plant into the ground and leave in this solution for several hours (at least 4 hours).
- After such a procedure, it will be necessary to dry the seeds, after which they calmly land seeds along the selected technology.
The utility of the ash solution
An ral solution can be used for the season not once. They can feed cultures several times, but there are exceptions here. It is not recommended to water as a solid solution such as:
- vereki
- swuffers
- rodonedron
- azalea
They do not like such compositions and they affect them negatively, so get rid of such plants from such fertilizer.
Potassium, which is contained in the ash composition very quickly dissolves, which is why plants that watered such fertilizer almost instantly react to it, and in a positive way.
Faster than the fertilizer react such cultures as:
- bakhcha
- zucchini
- pumpkin
- cucumbers and Patchsons
Among other things, "Thank you" for feeding also you will also "say":
- eggplant
- tomatoes
- potato
- peppers
Decorative plants after feeding will instantly become abundantly blossoming and start a lot of greens. Vegetables, like fruits, after feeding will be sweeter, and it means delicious, so the feeding is really a positive effect on the taste quality of products and plants.
Solo fertilizer
If you find on your bed that your cucumbers on the bush grow up the pear-shaped form or the foliage began to be built around the edges, it means that the plant needs a potassium. Let's look at how to prepare such a solution and how to use:
- Can be watered with a solid solution of the plant several times a month
- When it becomes cooler, it is best to apply a solution to the plants through spraying
- For the preparation of the beam, you need a couple of ash glasses and 5 staks of the ashes, mix all this, after which we pour out the composition into water (10 liters of water). Mix again and fertilizer is ready to operate.
Feed your plants so that the lawn is beautiful, and the harvest is rich.