The most common element of the gift box decor is a ribbon. There are many a variety of satin decoration tying techniques. With the most popular from the bottom and introduces this article.
Testing ribbon on a gift box with the formation of a classic bow
- Pick over one wide or several narrow tapes taking into account the color gamut packaging.
- Place the tape so that one of the free tails was short, while the second end was almost the entire length of the tape.
- By skipping the tape on top of the box (along the middle line), turn your gift to the long end of the tape.
- After the "meeting" of two parts of the tape, intertwines them among themselves the cross on the cross.
- Deploy the box at 90 ° and, holding the center intersection with a finger, turn the box with a long tail.
- Long end start under the central cross diagonally and output on the opposite direction. As a result, free tails will be located opposite each other.
- Getting started to form a bow. Taking a shorter end (bottom), form a looping from the tape.
- Taking the top tape and moving counterclockwise, twice wramp it the previously created loop.
- Next, carefully stretch out from under the central part of the bow in the second loop. We can make petals-loops on the sides and tighten the bow.
Using the described algorithm, you can tie a bow both in the center of the box and at its corner. At the same time, in the first step, it should be skipped with a ribbon not through the midline of the box, but to shift closer to any side.
Testing tape with bowls formation at the corners of a gift box
- Taking 2 tapes, skip them under two opposite angles. Free ends are released towards each other.
- In places intersection tapes tie up.
- Free ends tie into the bow.
Testing tape on a gift box with a bunk bowl formation
You will need 2 types of ribbons for work.
First stage of work:
- Taking the first ribbon, cross her free ends, forming a point of intersection of the loop behind.
- Putting the loop to the intersection point, turn the composition.
- Alternately send the free ends "on yourself" by moving them through the center.
- Re-turning the bow, straighten the petals. The central part is firmware and tighten.
The second stage of work:
- Taking the second ribbon, envelday the gift box cross on the cross. In the central part tie a node.
- Over the finished knot, place the bow prepared at the first stage.
- Lock it, told the neat knot on top of this bow.
- Taking free tails of the satin strip, make up another bow.
Testing tape on a gift box with formation of a lush bow
- The prepared tape is twice. Place in the center of the gift.
- Free ends are straightened and start under the box. Wrap the side parts by them.
- Returning to the corner - Take two free tapes under it. Twist them under the corner loop cross on the cross.
- Take tails, making sure that the composition is located in the center of the box. From the long tail tape form a loop.
- A short tail envelope loop and skip it through a hole for the formation of a second loop. The technique is reminded by the shoelace tamental algorithm.
- We are straightening the loop, pull up a bow.