How to make your own hands a gift box

How to make your own hands a gift box

On the eve of the holiday, each of us thinks about a gift to your family or close friends. A variety of creative souvenirs, colorful items of the interior, booksessions and other things provide a large flight of fantasies. When the purchase succeeds, the question arises how to present a gift.

The most common option is a festive cardboard package. This is the easiest and most affordable option. Gift boxes, as a rule, are twice as much. Therefore, the desire and the possibility of acquiring them arises less frequently.

To avoid unnecessary financial costs, we propose to make a gift box with your own hands. Consider the main stages of the design:

Tools and dimensions

The size of the box is 15 * 15 * 6 cm. We will need:

  • dense cardboard desired color;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue pistol;
  • tape for bow;
  • threads (color must match the bow).

You can use a template, then impose it on the necessary surface and carry out separation lines. Optionally, working marks are fixed directly on cardboard.

The size of the large (lower) part of the box is 33 * 33 centimeters. The size of a smaller (top cover) parts is 25 * 25 centimeters. Side parties make any size depending on the desired box height.

Cut the details

Cut two parts along the contour and make bends on the side. It is recommended to hold the back side of the blade of scissors on the side lines so that in the future it is easier and more accurately bending the cardboard.

Glue details

First, we work with the parties with a curly cut. We apply glue to the top and glue from the bottom. We do the operation to the right and left.

Next, the small tips of the cardboard lubricate with glue from the outside and glue with the adjacent bottom side. As a result, the free upper side of the cardboard remains. It must be lubricated with glue from the inside and glue from the bottom, bending the inside.

Thus, two foundations are obtained that can be formal as a gift box.


Thanks to the decorative decorations, the gift box will look more attractive. Take the ribbon and we cut into parts of the following size: 40 cm, 25 cm (2 pieces), 17 cm and 10 cm.

To begin with, we use two tapes of 25 centimeters. Secure them on the cross cover cover. To do this, we will glue on the tips of each tape and glue to the inside of the cover. Next, we use two segments of thread. We will cut the middle-length thread and tape in the place of weave.

The final stage of creativity is the formation of a bow. It is recommended to use video lessons so that the bow will be quick and beautiful.

We take a segment of a bantium 40 centimeters and fold in the form of a bow. In the center stretch the string through the bow with small stitches to pull it. Next, the segment of the tape of 17 centimeters we fold together and also thread tightened and form a smaller bow.

A small bow apply from above to the big and tie their thread so that the nodule is from below the bow. The last segment of the tape is used as a disguise to the binder thread. Install it to the center around the bow. On the back, we sew it with a thread. As a result, a wonderful volumetric bow was turned out. We glue it to the ribbon on the lid. Gift box ready!

In fact, the manufacture of a gift box is a very simple and affordable process, but requiring accuracy, patience and good mood. Create and fantasize!


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