How to charge player

How to charge player

The music player require constant to feed electricity, otherwise it will simply stop working. But if you just bought it, and before that did not hold anything like that in your hands, it would be useful for you to learn what they still have to come again.

To begin with, we will understand what players are and what will be needed for charging them. Today, there are only two types of them: those that eat from ordinary finger batteries, and those where there is a built-in battery. The charging requires a USB cable, a charger to batteries and a USB adapter for a socket. It can all be included with the player, or have to be purchased separately.

Now a few rules while you have not started charging the player. For devices working on finger (mizinchikhchi) batteries, we advise you to change them on special batteries, as they keep the charge much longer. In addition, these "batteries" can be recharged in contrast to the usual, for which the feeder threatens the loss of beneficial properties or even flowing, which promises damage the player. If you have a player with an unetected battery, then it keeps the charge longer than the first, but when the power supply fails, you will have to repair at the service center.

So, now begin to charge the player. As you already understood, there are several ways. Take your player and connect to the USB port of PCs inserted. In addition, you can simultaneously record new music on the media. The second method requires a USB adapter, connect the player to it, insert this design into the outlet. For a third method, you need to insert batteries into a third-party charting connectors and connect it to the outlet. As you can see - everything is very simple.

Finally the advantages and disadvantages of different charging methods. The first method is a universal and completely safe for your player, while charging the battery will take place slowly. The second - on the contrary risky due to power failure, but does not require a PC. And the third is good that you can charge the batteries faster than the previous ones, but their service life will be reduced.

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Pauline 01.04.2016 at 20:28

Tell me please! I bought the same player as the video, just the same as there, only green. He first played properly, the blinking red light when playing music. But now, after some time, I, as a guess, I think that the player is dead. But when I insert the player into your computer via USB (it was included), the player to OFF. mode does not flash when charging. My friend bought exactly the same in the day with me in the same store, and she all right. What could it be? What is connected? Please be advised that any.

To answer
    Pauline 01.04.2016 at 20:29

    And the computer does not show the player!

    To answer
    Anonymous 04.29.2016 at 20:31

    You turn on the player when YUSB connection to the computer tried? (Mode ON)

    To answer
Artyom 11.14.2016 at 20:03

Polina, first turn off the player, then put on a charge, and then turn and press to pause, and only then he will be charged

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ASKAR 01.05.2018 at 20:07

I bought a mp3 player digital first time he has worked and is not working. What can delat

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ASKAR 01.05.2018 at 20:09

i took it only yesterday

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