How to choose a humidifier and air purifier

How to choose a humidifier and air purifier

To maintain health, it is important not only to eat correctly, but also breathe clean air. The atmosphere in our house is especially important. We spend most of the time in the room where the windows are often closed and fresh air does not come, and if it comes, it is contaminated with exhaust gas from transport and contains a large amount of harmful substances. What can help in this matter? Of course, a properly selected technique for improving air performance.

The optimal indicators for a person in the room is the level of humidity not lower than 50% and the temperature is about + 23ºС. It is these indicators that create comfortable conditions for the life of every person. Reducing or increasing the temperature in the room with heating or cooling always leads to a decrease in the level of humidity, which negatively affects the well-being of a person, especially during colds. There is a drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Children can cause chronic diseases.

To maintain the level of humidity, it is necessary to properly choose the humidifier. According to the principle of operation, three types of humidifiers are distinguished:

  • the traditional, in which the fan drives the air through a moistened paper cassette and produces cold pairs, requires a change of casket every 2 months;
  • steam, has electrical elements heating water that boils and evaporates;
  • ultrasonic, splits water to the smallest drops using a membrane plate.


When choosing one or another humidifier, follow the purpose of use. Traditional humidifier is more suitable for large rooms. To improve efficiency, it must be installed near heating radiators. Steam humidifier, except the duties assigned to it, can be used for aromatherapy and hot inhalation. And works only on the resistant or purified tap water.

The ultrasonic humidifier independently regulates the level of the given humidity, is safe and sinkless, so it is perfect for the house where there are children. In order to avoid the formation of a white plaque on the furniture, it is recommended to use distilled water. When choosing a humidifier model, follow the room service radius. It is worth a preference to the device with an already built-in hygrostat to avoid the mooring of the room.

Air purifiers are designed to purify air from unpleasant odors and dust, which can cause allergies. Some models include the disinfection function and air disinfection with ultraviolet or ozone. Ozonizing several times more efficiently and destroys microbes and bacteria in a shorter time.

Air cleaners with filters have a high degree of air purification, but at the same time they must be replaceable. Replacement must be carried out once a month, with everyday use of the device. The air purifier must have the ionization function to charge the purified air. If the ionizer is absent, the air becomes "dead", and breathe them contraindicated.

If you decide to get a moisturizer and air purifier for your premises, then the acquisition of a climatic complex will be an excellent option. The work of the complex is based on the optimally selected system of mechanical and coal filters. After cleaning the air passes through a moisturized filter. The device provides a container for aromatic oils.

When choosing a humidifier or air purifier, do not prefer too cheap models, they have a small water tank, which is enough for several hours of use. After the acquisition, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions and do not neglect the recommendations of this article.

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