Air ionizer - reviews

Air ionizer - reviews

For good well-being, a person must breathe clean air. Researchers assure that its quality depends on the presence of aeroimes in it with negative and positive charges in the correct proportion. When this proportionality is broken, not avoiding health problems. Air ionizers were just created to ensure that this proportion is respected.

Good reviews AIC XJ 1100 ionizer deserved from the Italian manufacturer of AIC. It has the following characteristics:

  • designed for use in a small room - up to 15 square meters. m;
  • it has a dust collector in the form of an electrically conductive plate;
  • it works from the outlet 220 V and consumes 5 W;
  • possesses two modes - permanent and periodic cleansing;
  • disinfection of the internal space of the ionizer is provided by the presence of an ultraviolet lamp in it.

Here is one young mother believes that with the acquisition of AIC XJ 1100, her children began to root less. She also like that this model looks stylish, does not create noise, quickly refreshes the air, but when the device opened to clean, the dust on the plate was absent.

Decent attention and model Marta MT-4101. Release ionizer in the UK. The manufacturer is Marta, specializing in modern products at home. The ionizer is recommended for an area of \u200b\u200bup to 18 square meters. m, consumes 5 W, designed to clean air with the help of electrostatic filters. One of the office workers is admired by the fact that in a small room, where there are several people throughout the working day, this device removes dust and unpleasant odors. It can be switched to ionization mode or activate the fan. True, somewhere months after 6 the fan began to noise. When the ionizer was dismantled, it turned out that inside a lot of dust. After cleaning, he earned again silently. And one more point: when it was rearranged from the table on the closet almost under the ceiling, the effect of his work improved.

Good responds about the bipolar ionizer Yantar-5A, which produces the Russian manufacturer of NPF Amber LLC. This device is enclosed in a housing from a natural tree, and most importantly - there is a control panel. The person who has problems with breathing tracks, says that a beneficial effect on the presence of the ionizer felt at once, because It became easier to breathe. It consumes only 3 W, has 2 options - "ordinary" and "night". True, I don't really like the fact that the fan is not loud, but still noise.

USB-ionizer CBR UG 002 produces CBR: it works well in space up to 12 cubic meters. m, the meal arrives through the USB interface, recommended for offices and housing. His young spouses bought his spouses about him like this:

  • beautiful design;
  • moving it to his little bedroom, they felt that it was much more pleasant to stay in it, especially when they began to add to the aromamasla ionizer.

Maxion from South Korea produces air ionizers Maxion DF-3088, built into a table lamp. The device is characterized by a beautiful design, and in addition:

  • the ionizer works even when the lamp itself is turned off;
  • equipped with light sensor;
  • consumes 30 W;
  • specifies on the area of \u200b\u200b16 mq;

The air ionizer will be useful both at home and in the workplace. With him you will cease to feel discomfort, it will be easier for stress. Choosing a specific model, orient to the serviced area, convenience of care and, of course, the price.

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