How to choose a silencer

How to choose a silencer

The muffler is the main element of the car exhaust system. The choice of this auto parts - the event is quite serious and responsible.

The silencers are made from various types of steel - stainless, aluminated, aluminum or ordinary (it is also called black) steel. Most often, aluminated steel is used in the production of silencers for modern foreign cars. Products from this material are durable, resistant to corrosion and mechanical effects. Such a detail will serve you at least 5-6 years. By the way, aluminum silencers have almost the same qualities, the truth has another color: aluminized products - white, aluminum - characteristic zinc color.


Also in our country, it is quite common for sale and inexpensive silencers from ordinary (black) steel. There are often cases when unscrupulous sellers such details before selling are painted in silver color so that they do not rust up to sales. Naturally, the paint autopsy is in no durability, no reliability of such silencers - during operation, the paint is very quickly erased, and the products themselves are out of order during the year. Of course, the details of the black steel are attracted by their cheapness, but consider that in about a year it will have to spend time and money for a new muffler.

The silencers made of stainless steel are rightfully considered to be rightfully considered to find them in a free sale. Most often, these are original details, the cost of which is quite high, so they make them, as a rule, under the order. As an option, you can consider sports direct-flow silencers - they are, of course, it is not suiced, but such products and reliable, and attractive outwardly. Some manufacturers (Apexi, HKS, SEBRING) produce similar details exclusively of high-quality stainless steel, others - use stainless steel for the rear of the silencer, and the "glossy" housing itself is made of aluminated steel.


Choosing a silencer, be sure to pay attention to its internal stuffing, because it depends on it, as the item will function in the car and how well the exhaust sound can be swirling. A good silencer has a two-layer housing and a high-quality acoustic filler (heat-resistant, resistant to blowout). Also important factors are the device of internal perforated pipes and the direct volume of the silencer.


Refuse to buy a silencer (however, like other auto parts) in the spontaneous markets and in other dubious places. The optimal option is to buy it where you can immediately put on the car. If the sound of the exhaust is loud, low and absolutely not like that, as you want - you will have the opportunity to give up the purchase. Suppose the opportunities to buy and try on "Glushak" in one place. In this case, be sure to check with the seller, where and by whom the item you need is made, and do not hesitate to ask the certificate - it must be provided according to your requirement.


When choosing a silencer, pay attention to the following details: good "Glushak" is not very easy, as a rule, high-quality item is decently weighs. It is best if the purchase is as much as possible with the original - this also applies to the shape, and silencer size. Also be sure to check the quality of the welds and the presence of the manufacturer's stamp. Ideally, the details should be a squeezed logo, and not a paper sticker. And finally: do not chase the cheapness - there are no high-quality spare parts.

Muffler Mini

Following the recommendations below, to choose a suitable silencer without much difficulty even an automotive-novice.

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