Having an enon number of free funds, many are thinking over the increase in capital. The opening of the deposit account in the bank is the most optimal option. The bank's choice should be approached very carefully.
What amount of money to keep in the bank? It may be a small amount that is calculated from the amount of average spending for 3 months, and there may be savings on a large purchase. In rubles or foreign currency? After analyzing the situation in the country, it is possible to predict whether the euro growth is scheduled relative to the ruble. Then it is advisable to store savings in euros. Some banks offer to open a multicurrency deposit that allows you to change the cash currency on the account.
Decide with deadlines. Here is the main thing about knowing when you may need money. From this already proceed, for how many months or years to open an account. This will help identify banks that provide the discovery of the deposit for the desired period.
Some deposits do not provide for the contribution of additional funds and withdrawal to the end of the contract. If additional contributions are planned, it is better to choose a deposit with the ability to replenish the account. There are deposits that allow you to shoot part of the accumulated funds.
To choose a bank with better interest rates, you need to compare the conditions in different organizations of the city, get advice in various banks, visit their sites, read customer reviews. However, if the bank is too attractive interest, this may indicate its financial instability.
The bank must have an deposit insurance system. Only 90% of the deposit is refunded in the case of bankruptcy of the bank.
By signing the contract, it is worth paying special attention to the terms of prolongation and the timing of interest accrual.
It is worth remembering that no bank gives 100% guarantees of the preservation of investments.
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