How to enter into a legacy after the death of the mother

How to enter into a legacy after the death of the mother

After the death of the mother, close relatives enter into inheritance, first of all, her children. The registration of the inheritance is quite a painstaking and laborious process. Our article describes the step-by-step actions of the property, which is relumed to you after the death of the mother, the list of the necessary documents and where to seek the inheritance to go to your property.

Registration of the inheritance (if the testament was not compiled)

The method of distribution of inheritance by law enjoy most of the citizens of the Russian Federation. After all, not many parents make up a testament. After their death, the property with which they owned, goes to their children. If the testament for movable and immovable property was not promulgated, then Mamino progressive good is divided between the heirs under the law of the Russian Federation. To enter into inheritance, you must take into account some nuances:

  • inheritance must be inherited after 6 months after the death of the mother (the term is counted from the next day after the death);
  • to open the case of heritage, the daughter (son) should appeal to the state or private notary at the place of registration of the deceased parent (if Mom died in another country, the business of heritage opens in the area where the inheritance is);
  • the inheritance is distributed between the children (if there are several of them) in equal shares (if the applicant for property is one (the mother had one son or one daughter), then the inheritance passes to him fully);
  • through the court, you can reduce the time for the entry into the inheritance (if you provide the Court weighing reasons).

Entry into the inheritance

If the mother visited the property with which she owned her child, then only the one who was listed in the will had the right to the heritage. A document that confirms the voluntary testament of ownership objects must be notarized. Even if there is a testament, the heir should:

  • to enter into inheritance exactly six months after the death of the mother;
  • contact the notary at the place of registration of the deceased parent (most often the case of heritage is leading a notary, which made the testament);
  • all property that mother left after death is distributed exactly as indicated in a certified testament and is not disputed (an exception is, if the parent was the will not in his will or was incapacitated).

Where to go and what documents are needed?

After exactly half a year has passed since Mom's death, the son (daughter) is a contender in heritage and has the right to apply for inheritance. Its registration, as well as other necessary documents, is engaged in notary. You can choose the notarial office yourself, in which the renewal of property will be passed: private or state. However, it is necessary to coordinate the time and date of the meeting with the notary, as well as the list of necessary documents:

  • daughter's passport or son;
  • certificate of death of the mother (original);
  • a document that confirms close relatives with the dead (birth certificate, if this document is lost, it can be quickly restored in the registry office);
  • the original document on property passing to the heir (if this property is an apartment or a house, it may take its assessment).

If you approached the design of the inheritance to a private notary, personal presence during the opening of the case is not required, just send the scan copies of the necessary documents notarized, by e-mail.

Please note that after you have entered into inheritance, it is necessary to pay a tax that is 0.3% of the market assessment of property. The list of documents and the course of the process of inheritance can be changed due to the individual situation. For more information, we advise you to refer to the notary.


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