How to increase speed steam

How to increase speed steam

Even if during normal days the speed of your downloads in the stima does not cause complaints, during the releases of serious games there are very difficult for them to get "right now." This is explained by the multimillion of the audience of fans, which just like you, want to pick up the files quickly. As a result, the download speed is quite reasonable. Below we will open a small secret, how to take possession of the desired content quickly.

Server selection to increase Steam speed

To ensure the requests of the entire target audience, Valve makes it possible to download files not from one source, but from several. This allows you to more rationally use the resources of the worldwide network and to mostly satisfy users. Residents of Russia, for example, by default 3 content servers are available, located in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. However, this does not mean that you cannot choose any other. Before downloading files, it should be preferred by the server that is less loaded and the closest is located. Check loading and accommodation easy to this link,where color marked traffic. The servers with zero loading or tag [Filtered] will most likely be unavailable to us. When the server is selected, switch to it through the settings menu. Inside, find the "downloads + cloud" subsection, and in the "Loading Region" line, specify the necessary one. It is also desirable to enter your real Internet channel speed in the item of the same name.

Selection of the provider to increase Steam speed

Perhaps you did not think about how the speed of your Internet connection, or the tariff plan has long time to change? Check speed through your computer browserand rate the result. If it is acceptable, and the download does not all go, try contacting the technical support of the serving company.

As a last resort, if nothing helps, try to leave downloads for the night, or run Steam to the "unusual" time for you. Perhaps the day of the day \\ night, which you prefer to spend at a computer, is overloaded with requests from other manufacturers of computer games.

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