How to increase the speed of the Internet on the phone

How to increase the speed of the Internet on the phone

If it seems to you that the speed of the Internet fell on the phone and it is below the average, then it is better to solve such a problem quickly. The reason can serve as the settings of your phone, a large loading of background applications and updates or at the weakening of the signal of your operator. In the latter case, you can do little, except to change the mobile network on another telecom operator. Trying to speed up the mobile Internet is still possible with the help of some applications, as well as practical advice on setting up the phone. All these ways you will see in this article, take them on weapons and repeat on your smartphone.

How to increase Internet speed on your phone using Internet Speed \u200b\u200bMaster

Many this program has long been known, as it is especially popular in Play Market. It can work in mode with root by user rights or without them. To customize the root right, you will need other applications that give such an opportunity.

  • Go to the Play Market or AppStore and find the Internet Speed \u200b\u200bMaster program. The program developer must be the NEZ Droid, the installation will take just a couple of minutes even with a slow Internet.

  • Opening the application, you will see such a message on the phone screen. It notifies you that the application can earn and raise the speed of the Internet, and may not earn, as it all depends on your smartphone model. Nevertheless, you can at least try.
    Click "OK" to continue.

The application has only two buttons if you have root rights and one button, if not.

  • If you do not have the root of the user's rights, then click on the "Improve Internet Connection" field;
  • If you have such rights, the "Apply Patch" button will appear. After pressing it, you will need to restart the device and check the Internet connection if it does not suit you, contact the first item that is performed without root rights.

Everything, now your Internet speed is optimized as as far as possible in this application. If you did not like his work, roll back or simply delete the program from the phone.

You can get the root right in many applications, simply write "root" in the search for Play Market. Of course, there is another way to receive them: manually through the Android download menu, but this is quite a long time.

How to increase Internet speed on your phone using Internet Booster

  • Another application that works according to a similar principle, but gives another result, is called Internet Booster. Lay it in Play Market or Appstore. Install on your smartphone.

  • When entering the application, you may encounter a message that you have no root right. They are also needed to work this program, as in the first case.
  • Click on a round button with a lightning pattern in the middle of the screen to start optimization.

  • If you see a message, as in the screenshot below, you know that the acceleration has passed successfully. Click "Cancel" and check the speed of the mobile Internet or Wi Fi now. If you still do not satisfy the connection, then delete the applications.

How to increase Internet speed on the phone: General Tips

First of all, the Internet's work can slow down processes such as updates, background work, high traffic consumption. Setting the smartphone parameters will help remove some of these barriers.

Disable automatic updates

  • Go to the settings of your phone through the tray and find the "Data Use" row.

  • Here you will need a string "background mode", go to it.

  • Turn on the slider at the top of the screen, simply dragging it to the right with your finger.
  • From below, you will see all applications that are installed on the device. Disconnect the sliders from those applications that you use rarely. It will forbid them to use the Internet traffic when they are in the background. This option will help you not only save the precious particles of traffic, but also to speed up the work of the Internet.

Clean the phone cache

  • Find in the Smart Manager smartphone settings and go to the RAM section - this is your RAM, it is used for processes running on the phone.

  • You will see a list of applications that work at the moment in the background. Close those of them that you do not need at the moment, as well as those that can spend the traffic of the Internet. Just click "Stop".

  • Next go to the memory tab. It can be seen here how much you spent spaces on the phone and how much you have left.
  • Below you will see the section "Unnecessary Data". Click "Delete" and see how much free space you will appear. Cleaning the cache should become a constant procedure that you will spend once every two or three days in order not to save the garbage on your smartphone.

Disable animated themes and live wallpapers

All this consumes not only energy and battery charge, but also the Internet traffic, in some cases. So that your connection does not occupy nothing, it is better to remove such decor elements from your phone.

In the settings, select "Wallpapers" and change them to static if you used animation. You also need to be removed from the lock screen.

Now your connection will become a little faster, because you got rid of a significant amount of information that littered the connection.

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