How to extend the speed on biline

How to extend the speed on biline

Mobile operators provide their subscribers to access the Internet access. But this service is limited. In order to reduce the load at the communication station for each user, there are limits on Internet traffic. Upon reaching this limit, the speed of access instantly decreases to a minimum. None of the operators can provide Internet access without restrictions.

Subscribers to choose from tariffs with different number of Internet traffic on high speed. For normal use there are packages of services from 3-6 GB. For more active use, tariffs with a large threshold are selected accordingly. But also the amount of Internet traffic offered in the most impressive packages may not be enough.

Fortunately, in case of speed limit due to the deduction of traffic, there is an opportunity to increase speed. Beeline Mobile Operator To do this offers the service "Provided the speed". The service has several variations, one to restore speed with traffic in 1 GB, another option returns a comfortable access speed with a limitation of 3 GB. Consider ways to extend the speed on the bill.

Extension of speed with traffic in 1 GB in biline

If you were limited to the speed of accessing the Internet, and until the end of the month remained quite a little bit, it makes sense to connect the service "Provided the speed of 1 GB". Its activation will remove the speed limit with an increase in traffic per 1 GB.

The service is connected for a small amount: 100 rubles. Activation requires:

  • Making a call by number 0674093221.
  • Activation team *115*121#.

Connection is instantly after calling or set the command. The package can be activated several times, with each activation, the volume of traffic is summarized.

Extension of traffic with traffic in 3 GB on biline

Did you limit the speed of network access, and until the end of the month for a long time? This case has a solution. The second version of the service "Provided the speed" on biline increases the traffic volume with a comfortable speed of access to 3 GB. The increase in the standard volume of traffic on 3 GB is possible for 200 rubles.

Connection is carried out similar ways:

  • Call by number 0674093222.
  • Departure of the team *115*122#.

The service "Provided the speed of 3 GB" can also be connected several times, with each activation, traffic is summed up. At the same time, it should be considered that the service summed by the activation "Provided the speed" traffic is granted for up to 30 days, on the occurrence of the new reporting period, all unspent gigabytes will be written off. Both velocity options are available for connecting to all Beeline subscribers whose tariff plans provide for the use of Highway Internet options. In roaming, the connection service does not give any effect.

Automatic extension of the rate on biline

The use of Highway Internet options will allow you not to remember the need to remove the speed limit. Beeline offers the option of automatic increase in traffic volume, which solves the rate of renewal without your intervention.

When the standard traffic is consumed, the Bilayna subscriber will be automatic enrollment of an additional volume of 150 MB for a symbolic amount of 20 rubles. Connecting packages will occur until the subscriber's account is money. With insufficient balance, the speed of access will be limited to 64 KB per second.

Do not need this service? Its disconnection is made by calling the call at 0674717780 or sending a command * 115 * 230 #.

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