Beeline how to connect roaming

Beeline how to connect roaming

Some mobile service providers connect calls and roaming messages automatically, it is still a similar way for bilayna. The user will need to choose a tariff plan and a roaming type, according to which he wants to communicate. What is the differences and how to do it - read below! Immediately it is worth briefly talking about the difference between "roaming" and international relationship. In the first case, Beeline implies that you use the services outside the home region. With a long-distance and international relations, the subscriber is in its home region, calls beyond its limits.

Roaming for Beeline subscribers with prepayment

Like other users, rooms with a prepaid calculation system are able to communicate in three types of roaming:

  • Roaming inside the "Beeline" network. This type of roaming is connected by default and automatically. When using the tariff "Everything!" It is absolutely free. Incoming + outgoing calls between subscribers are unlimited. To cheaper to talk with loved ones, they are also reasonable to translate to the "Everything!" Tariff, as well as connect the service "My Country". The latter allows you to make challenges in Russia (not only working in Crimea and G. Sevastopol) for 3 rubles per minute, without a monthly fee. SMS and traffic remain on the old tariff. For connecting to the number 0683.
  • National roaming. If you are within the Russian Federation, but outside the zone of Bilayna, then you can still make calls. For this you do not need a special connection, only any no negative amount on the account.
  • International roaming. It also connects automatically, submitted to the service "The most profitable roaming" from Beeline. Available in 120 countries, with money on the account. If you are in a place with which the company has no open online roaming, you will need to have from 600 rubles to the account for registration, as well as from 300 rubles - to be able to make calls. It should be borne in mind - if the money on the account is over, but you continue to make calls, it is possible to exude a credit rating (as the billing information is transmitted to the delay in the delay).

Roaming for Beeline subscribers with postplood

The first two points are similar to those described above. To be able to use mobile services abroad, you need to connect the "International Communications" service. For this:

  • at the time of connection, you will need to make a warranty payment in the amount of 600 p. (it will be returned to you after payment 3 perfect and paid abroad calls);
  • individuals enrolling the warranty fee of 600 p. and not having debts, can independently order "international communication" in the "Personal Account";
  • to make a service through the Beeline office, the user needs to have a passport (it is possible to connect according to the notary powers of attorney to another person);
  • legal entities, except for a passport, will require an official request on the company's branded letterhead (the statement looks like So).

Roaming does not need to connect when calls to the non-geographical code +883140, the cost of communication with such challenges will be 10 rubles per minute, in the zone of international roaming - in accordance with the connected rate.

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