How to install Vaiber on a laptop

How to install Vaiber on a laptop

At the moment, Viber is easy to install almost any device - mobile or stationary, running Windows, iOS, Linux or Mac, Android orWindows Phone. The program is completely free and does not require a SIM card (the phone is requested only once, to confirm registration by SMS). Thanks to this, more than 280 million people use it, you can join and you.

How to download Viber on a laptop

Like any other software, to receive Viber is recommended only from the official site. This will protect your computer from the penetration of viral programs and all kinds of intruders. Therefore, to start installing Weber on a laptop, we turn:

  • on the web site, section for PCs;
  • select your operating system (Windows \\ Mac \\ NIX);
  • click on the green button "Download";
  • in the pop-up window with vibersetup.exe, click "Save";
  • we are waiting until the download is completed;
  • go to the folder in which the installer saved (or simply click on the arrow in the browser and the folder icon at the name of the desired file);
  • we start the installation process, described in more detail in the next paragraph.

How to install Vaiber on a laptop

The installation process of this program is similar to installing any other, with the exception of several small nuances. When the vibersetup.exe file is finished loaded, twice click on it with the left mouse button, or by pressing the right button on the icon and select in the context menu "Run on the name of the administrator". Further:

  • A welcoming window will appear with the terms of using Viber. They can be read on a special page if you click on the same link in the installer window. After put a tank near the box "I Agree".
  • Click the "Install" button, the installation process will start, marked with a green strip of progress. In the process, the installer will show you various promotional images with a description of the advantages and features of the program.
  • When the file unpacking is finished, a window will appear with a question - is there a Viber on your phone?
  • Choose the answer "no". In this case, it will take a preliminary installation of an application to a smartphone with Android, iOS or Win Phone (we briefly describe in paragraph No. 3). It is also possible to return and change the selection by clicking on the link "I Have Viber on My Phone."
  • Choose the answer "yes." The form opens with the introduction of the phone number in international form. Fill, click on the "Continue" button.
  • Special activation code comes to your viber application on a smartphone, and enter it is necessary in the PC installer. Copy the numbers and click "Log in to Viber."
  • If you see the program window - the installation process is successfully completed.

Installing Viber on Smartphone

Since the use of Vaiber on a laptop involves its presence on a mobile phone, consider the main installation points of the application. To enjoy the program, without them can not do. However, Viber is able to work even without a mobile device. For example, if you do not have a smartphone, or you do not want to establish unnecessary programs, you can always lend a device from a friend or family member, and after removing unnecessary software. So:

  • select the client for the OS you need on;
  • click "Download" (We are redirected on Google Play, AppStore and other resources);
  • click "Set" and wait for the completion of the automatic loading process \\ unpacking;
  • when you first start Wyber, we specify the country and phone number;
  • we obtain the access code to the program to the specified number and successfully complete the installation.

In addition to the opportunity to lend someone else's phone to register in Vaiber, there are services of virtual telephone numbers (including free). With their help, it is realistic to obtain an SMS with the registration code, without entering the real number of the smartphone.

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