How to minimize the game?

How to minimize the game?

There are many ways to roll the game. Moreover, some users are convenient with the combination of keys, and some - using the game settings. In more detail how to exit full-screen mode, consider in this article.

How to collapse the game using the keyboard shortcuts?

It is considered the most convenient and widespread way to roll the game - Alt + Tab.

But this is not the only way, besides it, you can use even combinations:

  • Pressing the "Windows" button;
  • Ctrl + Tab;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del;
  • Ctrl + Enter;
  • Windows + D;

You can still add such commands. They are suitable for all types of operating systems, including Windows 7, 8, 10.

  • Alt + Space (space) + Enter;
  • Space (space) + Alt;
  • Alt + Space (Space) + S.

Folding all windows occurs if you simultaneously click on the keyboard shortcut: Windows + Shift + M.

Functional keys for folding the game:

  • Alt + F4;
  • F11;
  • F10.

How to fold the game using its settings?

You can roll up the game by using its main settings.

Each game is individual, but mostly, they are in the game menu.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Go to the game menu.

  • Go to the "Graphics" tab.

  • Select screen expansion options.

  • Switch to the item where specified: "In the window" and confirm the settings.

There is a special program, thanks to which you can easily turn all the games. This program is 3D Analizer. And another program that allows you to minimize any dialog boxes, including game - 4 Tray Minimizer.

How to turn online game?

For turning online games, a slightly different key combination. For example, if a game is an application on a social network, it will be enough to press the key located in the upper left corner - escape.

To minimize the browser with the online game, the combination of keys that are used for both games installed on the computer are used.

How to fold the game in Windows 7, 8, 10?

Actually, in such operating systems as Windows 7, 8, the key combination is not very different, the truth can also add a special function that is located in the right corner of the monitor. Along now, click the left mouse button once, then the active dialog box with the game will come. But this is convenient only when the taskbar is visible in the game.

In Windows 10, to fold the game, you must create a second desktop.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Open conductor.
  • Press the Windows + Tab shortcut.
  • Create a second desktop.
  • Drag on the created desktop game.
  • After that, during the game, when it is necessary to collapse it, click the keyboard key: Ctrl + Tab.
  • Next, press the shortcuts of the Ctrl + Windows keys + left arrow.

To return, a Windows combination is used + right arrow.

The difficulty lies in the fact that some games, for example, such as: "Warface", it is difficult to minimize, so you need to press Alt + Esc several times simultaneously or simultaneously press Alt + Enter + C.

You can also work with the game label.

  • On the label, press the right mouse button and select "Properties".

  • We choose the string in which the path, the location of the game is specified.

  • At the end of this line, you should add: "Window."

  • After that, click "Apply".

  • If you need to change the configuration back, you should simply remove the questionnaire.
  • In the operating system 7, 8, 10 in the label properties, you can immediately select "Window / Collapse icon".

It should be remembered that this method is not supported on all gaming applications.

In general, the developers of the Windows operating system, tried to get out of the game with many different and effective ways, so the most important thing will be determined by the user, what exactly it is convenient to use to turn the game.

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