Playing in Minecraft, often annoying just dig a ore or save resources to scream diamond setting armor or enchanted sword. After all, to build your home, make some mechanisms or stand out from the crowd of diggers immediately and without delay. This can be achieved thanks to the admin options. About them and talk.
If you play the server on the Internet, you will be able to become an admin by purchasing "VIP status" or the so-called "admin" (the names of this package may differ). Messages to sell such services and advice to whom to contact the issue of buying, regularly printed with a robot in the chat. What will this "premium" give? For example, you can fly on the map, instantly break and put any blocks. But this pleasure will cost you somehow, its average price ranges from four hundred to a thousand rubles, depending on the popularity of the game server (respectively, the more promoted gaming portal, the more expensive). So, either minimize and craft everything yourself, or post money, here to solve you. By the way, in order to avoid misunderstanding a set of a function of a particular package of services, talk to representatives of the server administration, and specifically - with a person who is responsible for selling various project services. He is obliged to explain what is part of a certain set.
In a single game, get the admin mode is quite simple. To do this, when generating a new game, go to the "More World Settings" item. On the key to the "Enable Cheats" button (in different versions of the client, the key name may differ slightly). After a new game has been loaded, open the chat by pressing the "T" button on the keyboard and write in the "/ GameMode 1" line. And you can put or break any blocks with one click of the bears, including the povelt, as well as fly. If you are tired of this mode, it is possible to exit if you write in the chat "/ GameMode 0" command.
After you created your world and turned on the gamemod, you need to open it for a collective game to get a mini-server. Press the "ESC" key and select Open for Network, this option is present in all versions of the game client, so do not worry. To add another player to the administration section, it should simply "open", as this is a joke called experienced gamers. To do this, open the chat and enter the command "/ OP Nick Player", although in some versions of the Launcher Slash is not used.
But for the collective game is still better if you have installed a ready-made Minecraft server, since it already has some kind of buildings, and it is more designed for a lot of players than the usual naked world, although adding admins is somewhat more complicated. To do this, find the "Ops.txt" file, which is located in the game directory. To simplify the task, you can use the search in the "Start" menu, that is, simply open it and enter the file name in the string under the inscription "All Programs". After a text document appears, it needs to enter the names of the players, each of the new lines, and after saving the file.
And the Council is finally: adding only reliable players to the administration section, since you give them a peculiar key from the server, and they will be able to do anything.
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