How to privat the territory in Minecraft

How to privat the territory in Minecraft

When you play Minecraft on the server, in one "beautiful" moment you can see that only the gigantic boothaft remained from your construction, or all the things that you were so worn crafty, simply stolen. Those who are engaged in such a wearing, are called griffers, and you can only escape from them, or as they say players - marked the territory. Let's figure it out how it is done.

First you need to highlight the territory you want to "stroke". To do this, go to the server chat by pressing the "T" key, and suck the line "// Wand". You will be added to the inventory a completely standard wooden ax, take it to the left hand and click on the upper right block of the territory that you will privat, this is the so-called "one" point. After you want to specify the "two" point, which is the bottom right block, you can put it with the right mouse button. On some servers you will help highlight the selected territory.

After you need to call the dedicated area, to do this, open the chat again and sushrite the "/ Region Claim" line. The name of the territory should be specified without spaces, for example, "/ Region Claim Sovetclub". That's all, now your area is protected from other players. No one will be able to build or destroy if you, of course, were not invited.

But on this, your territory is not yet completely protected from the griffers. After all, they can lure in your area of \u200b\u200bthe creeper, skeletons or pour a tree so that the fire is transferred to buildings. Next, we will analyze how to prevent this, on the example of the previously created territory of the "Club of Soviets". Open the chat and register the line "/ (action)". Resolution "DENY" - Destruction is prohibited, "Allow" - the destruction, "None" - default settings is allowed. Action can be any, depending on the server to find out - refer to the server administration or ask promoted players.

Here are some of the simple:

  • pVP - ban on the attack of other players;
  • tNT - ban on the explosive wave of dynamite;
  • cREEPER-EXPLOSION - a ban on the explosive wave of a kriver, which destroys the territory.

For example, a ban on dynamite explosions will look like this: "/ Region Flag Sovetclub TNT DENY".

Now let's talk how to add a player, that is, to put it on this territory with the same rights as you. To do this, enter the chat window: "/ Region Addmember Soveetclub Nick Player." And in order for these rights to select, write: "/ Region removmember sovetclub Nick Player." We remind you that "SovetClub" is not a team, so we have previously called the territory allocated by us.

And finally, a few more tips. To remove the visual allocation of your area, you must enter a command in the chat string: "/ RG Select Sovetclub". And if you suddenly, for some reason you need to remove your region, you can register: "/ Region Delete Sovetclub". We hope that no corners and problems with griffers will happen on your territory!

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