How to make a city in minecraft

How to make a city in minecraft

Minecraft game genre is a cross between strategy and simulation. Here the player is invited to build a whole world. And not some kind of definite, and your own, which only will take up to mind. And the magnificence will depend only on the fantasy and the courage of the creative. At the same time, rebuilt worlds are not always friendly. For from 4 game modes, only one peaceful - creativity or creativ. The launch of any of the remaining modes is survival, journey or hardcore - implies the presence of a number of restless monsters, and the struggle to destroy you. You can escape from them by rebuilding asylum, houses or caves. But this achievement will be the construction of his own city. Experienced players are already known all the steps of this exciting process. Sick newcomers here, we will master the initial technologies.

Construction in minecraft occurs using blocks of different textures. All objects, live and inanimate, houses, cars, furniture items - everything consists of identical square cubes. With the help of manipulations by different combinations and textures, applying suitable tools, you create a conceived world. Small designs do not require a special place, but to build a whole city, you need a large territory. In Minecraft it is called biomami. With their search and it is worth starting. If you still doubt your knowledge, start with the bioma Superflat. It has a smooth relief and convenient to catch up with experience. If you are confident, you can raise the city anywhere, in the mountains, underground, even in the midst of the ocean. But in this case, it will have to work painstaking over the relief grinding to prepare a place for buildings.


Now do the city plan. You can draw a drawing on paper, confining it under the chosen relief, or vice versa - to choose a relief under the ready-made project. A good way is to schedule ideas at once on the BOME itself, distinguishing the blocks of the place of future structures. The planning of the city can become a rather time-consuming and long-term occupation, but a passionate person it delivers no less pleasure than the construction itself.


Deciding with the main parameters of your settlement, start raising buildings. Block behind the block build a house, roads, parks - everything that would like to be seen in the city of your dreams. Experienced gamers do not advise for a long time to mess around with the design of one design. It is better to build draft variants of all buildings and only then start bringing them to perfection, improving the design. It is worth noting that the city can be built as an individual, purely to satisfy their ambitions, and for settling it by other players, since it can be played in minecraft in network mode.

Do not stop by creating a city with a standard infrastructure set. After all, the uniqueness of minecraft is that there are no boundaries and stereotypes. Therefore, complement your city with unusual statues, airports, gothic cathedrals and even cemeteries. Some works of gamers on this topic can be called real masterpieces. And do not forget to constantly harm in order to avoid disappointments from the late loss of your child.

Invented in 2009, the Swedes, the Minecraft virtual game confidently walks on the planet, caught his ranks with new fans. Even a simple description of the missions of the game delays and causes a desire to try it. We offered you a way to create a city in minecraft, which is manual. With this mode of creativity from the beginning to the end result, you can get the week, and even months. Currently, there are many auxiliary software for fast and easy-to-use Minecraft cities. But every creative person knows - there is no better joy from personal involvement in what is happening.

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