How to change password in minecraft

How to change password in minecraft

Users are checked relate to the preservation of personal data. Password will protect your minecraft account from unauthorized persons and help go into the game. Too complicated combination creates inconvenience, and simple threatening the security of the account. Get rid of yourself from difficulties and fears and change the password.

Causes for change of password in minecraft

Reasons for changing the password two:

  • very simple combination. For a password, you have chosen too simple a combination and fear that intruders hack him. Concerns can be reality;
  • very complicated combination. You do not remember the complex combination of characters, constantly confused when entering the game, and it is inconvenient. The password recorded on the leaflet, which lies near the computer, begins to annoy.

We hold a password change in minecraft

Go to the game under the old password. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • go to the keyboard layout with English;
  • open the Console with the "/" key (inclined slash, located on the keyboard). All teams enter Latin characters;
  • do not remove the oblique line and enter the "Password" command after it;
  • after entering the command, enter the combinations of old and new passwords;
  • you should have an expression "/ password * Old password * * New password *". In the phrases between the asterisks, put your new and old passwords. Between the team and two passwords put spaces. Stars do not enter, here they are used to highlight parts of the command;
  • press the keyboard after entering the symbol combinations of the Enter key;
  • you will see that in the new line will appear about the successful password change.

What if an error occurs when a password change in minecraft?

After changing the password, it sometimes arises a mistake and the game does not work. Check carefully a combination of characters - an error in one of them will not give to the account. Take a picture of the password or write it down to remember. During registration, two fields often appear for passwords, the values \u200b\u200bare recorded twice. If you make a mistake in one of the fields - you can not go to the game. Try to enter the symbols again.

If with repeated attempts you did not go to the game - refer to the administration. Describe your problem in detail and ask you to change your password. It will take time, you have to wait.

Forgotten the old password when changing the new in minecraft - what to do?

You gathered to change the password in the game, but forgot the old combination of characters. Without it, you will not receive a new password, you will need to enter the old value. Click on the line "Forgot your password?", Which is displayed in the authorization window. You will appear instructions for restoring a forgotten password. Follow the instructions and the difficult situation will be corrected.

Choose a convenient and easily memorable password to avoid in the future problems with the entrance to the game. It is advisable to periodically change the old password to a new combination for security purposes.

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