How to tame an ocelot in minecraft

How to tame an ocelot in minecraft

Ocelot is a passive and shy mob in minecraft, resembling a small cheetah. Do you want to have a pet who will follow you everywhere? Tearing Ocelot, and it will turn into a domestic cat. Take a pet with me on a long journey, and he will scare the cries. But the process of taming is complex, Ocelot is omitous and you will have to be patient to tame it.

We tame Ocelot to minecraft - we are preparing a cat delicacy

Prepare for taming Ocelot raw fish. He loves her very much. Catch the fish in any reservoir using fishing rods. Go fishing during the rain - a good catch is guaranteed. You can buy fish for Emeralds from the villagers. Cut Fish Send to your inventory. Follow the large number of fish - for taming, it will take 15-20 pieces. Do not cook it, Ocelotov attracts fresh fish.

We tame an ocelot in minecraft - we go to search for a wild beast

Ocelotus live in the impassable jungle of minecraft. Carefully inspect the area during the search for Mob. Find Ocelot is difficult, he hides in the grass and quickly runs away, having hazardous. It can climb on a tree and notice it there is difficult for his favorite delicacy - chickens. Therefore, during searching, consider the following points:

  • you saw scattered chicken feathers. Survey the neighborhood, your future pet is nearby;
  • you saw a lot of living and calm chickens. Ocelot here did not go, look in another place;
  • you saw a creeper who runs somewhere from all legs. His scared Ocelot. Take out, go in the opposite direction and see the cat.

We tame an ocelot in minecraft - processing process

You are lucky and you saw this mob! Do not run happily towards! The cat will think that she is hunting and run away. Do not threaten Ocelot and do not drive it into the angle, otherwise you can forget about taught. Do not use traps. Taming process:

  • slowly approach Ocelot, and keep fresh fish in your hands;
  • stop and sneeze with fish. The cat will notice you, will be interested in bait and starts approaching;
  • sit motionless, do not touch the inventory and do not change the items. Be fixed when the cat appears in five blocks from you;
  • when Ocelot approaches - start feeding it with fish. Put it in front of a cat and more. Do not look straight on the beast. Most importantly - do not move until the process of taming happens;
  • after the last swallowed fish, Ocelot will be your pet. After eating bait you can see the hearts, but it does not indicate a taming. After a successful taching, Ocelot will change coloring and turn into a cat, a collar will appear on her neck.

We tame Ocelot in minecraft - Useful Tips

Crypers are very afraid of Ocelotov. They will scatter if this pet is located next to you. But the Ocelot will not attack aggressive mobs. If you have two cats - come in reproduction. Feed them with raw fish, and reproduction will begin.

Take these mobs in creativity, it is the easiest. After taming the cat can get a different color:

  • like Siamese cats;
  • ginger;
  • black and white.

In determining the color of the cat in the game there is no regularity. What will you get, and rejoice. A tamed cat will walk for you everywhere. He is no longer afraid of people, often meows and urchit. The cat is subordinate to the teams "sit" and "Stand." If you beat the pet on the chest and order him sit, then another player will never be able to open the chest. Pet will guard him.

After taming, do not lose your pet. Cats do not think about danger. For example, they pass by the fights and may die from the boom or to induce the needle of the cactus, if close to it is suitable. Therefore, follow the pet, and the tamed Ocelot will be your real friend in the game.

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