How to tame a sheep in minecraft

How to tame a sheep in minecraft

Sheep in Minecraft are friendly animals. Their main purpose is wool. Cut the sheep and make a bed out of wool, a beautiful rug or a decorative building. If necessary, you can kill the lamb and get meat. But first tame the animal. The sheep does not resist and willingly follow you, but not everything is so simple.

We find wheat to tame a sheep in minecraft

To tame, first feed the sheep with wheat. There is no other feed for lambs in the game. To obtain wheat, there is the following way:

  • find wheat seeds in the grass. To do this, stock up on a tool that can ruin everything and break the grass. Collect the seeds;
  • plant wheat seeds on the bed. For fast seedlings of seeds, water is needed, which is no further than four cells from the bed. Take care of the lighting - illuminate the crops with a torch, the light of the sun or lava;
  • water the wrong grains with water. But do not lie water on ripened wheat spikelets! Sprinkle with bone flour for quick maturation;
  • place the wheat sheaf in the central cell of the craft and you will get 9 spikelets.

Create a corral to tame a sheep in minecraft

Build for a sheep of the corral. You will bring a tamed animal there. The corral should be located near the house so that you can easily monitor the animals and feed them. Make a whole fence with which you will surround the corral. The sheep will climb and run into the fence with holes. Make a gate or gate in the pen to freely go to the animals. Do not forget to close it, otherwise the living creatures will run away. The size of the corral will depend on the number of tamed lambs.

Tam the sheep in Minecraft

Take wheat and go to look for a sheep. Sheep without a target roam in the surroundings in whole herds. Seeing the obstacle, they try to jump over him. Look for animals near the water, they often jump through the river. Like all friendly mobs - they go into the light. The sheep will see you, stop and begin to consider. After a few seconds, he will turn his head forward and continue the way. Now it's about you - try to tame the animal:

  • light it with wheat, but do not feed it right away. Show the wheat a sheep no further than 16 blocks from it;
  • the sheep will follow you, lead it into the corral;
  • the sheep will go into the corral - quickly close the door and give wheat. Now you have a pet.

We breed sheep in minecraft

Take care of sheep breeding if you tamed a couple. The dilution process is simple:

  • feed the animals standing nearby. Wheat is Aphrodisiac for sheep;
  • piles with a sheep after feeding will begin to fall in love. Everything looks cute and naive - the couple kisses, and red hearts appear above the heads of animals;
  • after a couple of seconds, a small lamb appears near the sheep. If the parents of the same color, the baby will be similar to them. If they are multi -colored, the lamb will receive the color of one of the parents.

Create the necessary conditions for your farm - make a covered corral and a small pond, plant the grass and regularly feed the herd. To get wool, get scissors and cut the sheep. In order for the wool after the haircut grows well and quickly, animals need light and grass.

You will not find a lonely sheep for taming. Animals go into a herd and this is a good opportunity to tame a couple for a divorce. Take wool and meat from sheep and at a small cost in your pen there will be a large number of pets.

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