How to make a potion of invisibility in minecraft

How to make a potion of invisibility in minecraft

The potion of invisibility gives invisibility for 3 minutes and is very useful if you need to sneak quietly. But it cannot hide you completely. The player who drank the drug give out bubbles. Also, armor cannot be hidden under invisibility. This potion based on several potions is cooked, which must be prepared first.

First you need to boil a beggar potion. This drug is part of many potions and in itself has no effect. It will need a hellish growth and a bubble of water. A hell of a growth can only be found in hell and only in the sand of shower. The water bubble crafs on a workbench of three glass units. After you get the necessary ingredients, put them in a hob to create an awkward potion.

The next potion that needs to be made is a potion of night vision. For him you will need a potion of awkwardness and gold carrots. The last ingredient needs to be created on a workbench of ordinary carrots and eight gold nuggets. Dinking the components, put them in a hob and get a night vision potion.

Also for the potion of invisibility, we need a pickled eye. The eye itself falls out of the spider after its murder, it does not matter whether it is ordinary mob or poisonous. But only if the player himself killed the monster, in all other cases, the drop does not occur. To marinate the eye, you will need sugar and brown mushroom. Sugar crafs from a sugar cable that can be found in almost any part of the world. Brown mushroom can be found in caves, in hell, in swamps and forests.

To obtain pickled spider eyes, we have all the ingredients in a craft grid. And after that you can start cooking the potion of invisibility.

In the hob, we fold the at night vision and pickled spider eyes and get the necessary drug. And if you have red dust, then you can create an enhanced potion of invisibility, the action of which lasts not 3, but 8 minutes. Just fold the usual potion and red dust in the hob.

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