How to make your own rods?

How to make your own rods?

Fishermen know no longer know how expensively acquire various kinds of fishing devices. That is why it is important to know how you can independently make a high-quality fishing rod, so let's figure it out in this process.

Nuances of manufacturing and choosing materials

In order to better understand the process of manufacturing this device. It is necessary to sort out the components of it, the main of which are:

  • hook
  • lesk
  • float
  • rod
  • sinker
  • leash

There is nothing complicated in the independent manufacture of such a device, and even a beginner can cope with this process, the main thing is to correctly choose the materials and follow the instructions that will be painted below.

Rod and Lesk

To begin with, we will make the manufacturer of the rod, this is the first thing you need to do. This item is a kind of shoulder, which determines how long the fishing rod and the fishing line will be on it. It is clear that in the store we can buy a folding fishing rod with a folding rod, but we need high-quality and made your hands to fish for fishing, so its design will be varied with the purchase option.

An ideal version of the rod is a lightweight with a flat surface and durable, but understandable things in nature will be hard to find this option. Before choosing the holder itself, it is necessary to think about what length there is a future fishing rod and only then determine with the material.

I would like to say that a great version of the holder is a tree, because such a material is lightweight, durable and very practical. It is better to choose a nut forest, ash and maple, but an undesirable version will be a rod from oak and poplar, because the second is not very durable, and the first is heavy. Remember, it depends very much from the fortress of wood.

If the workpiece is found, it will be necessary to clean its surface from all unnecessary parts and irregularities and then can already be attached to the owner holder.

Before you do the process under review, you need to know some nuances about the choice of fishing line:

  • You can make a classical fishing, but you can apply a rope instead (and strong enough). In this case, this element is necessary in order to mount the hook to it, which will be caught in the fish.
  • The fishing line should be quite elastic and which is very important, thin, and also have a high level of strength.
  • If you walked somewhere in the workshop or garage, a solid thin line, you are very lucky, because one more spare part from the fishing rod is in stock.

The next stage is the manufacture or searches of the float.

Float, leash, hook and load

In order for the fisherman to understand that the fish pecks, there is a special signal tool on the rod, which gives you to know about it, and it is called - float.

The first requirement for the float is that it does not sneak, because his position is on the water, and not under it. Among other things, it should be seen from afar, because the fishing rod sometimes has to drop quite far.

Considering the above characteristics, no doubt we can say that it is a tree - a material that is suitable for the purposes under consideration. You can also use a plug from a bottle (wine, champagne, etc.) as a float. Only the plug will need to be painted in some bright color.

Also in the float you can bind the bird feather, which will be seen from afar, especially if you paint it.

The appearance of the ideal float is as follows:

  • bochemy form
  • dina 12-16 cm
  • bright
  • easy (lighter water)

Now it's time to take care of the ship:

  • The float is not to do without a weighting agent, the function of which and performs the load. It is this element that pulls the bottom of the float and thus makes it so that it is in water in a vertical position.
  • Georgic is located below the float and most often for its manufacture use either stone or metal.

When all the elements are collected in one, so to speak design, it is necessary to take care of a leash that is the extreme part of our fishing rod.

If we speak simple words, the leash is a fishing line, located between the hook and the ship. Immediately, we note that the leash must be made from the same material as the fishing line, located on the fishing rod, that is, if you have a rope instead of a fishing line, then there will be a leash from the rope. The length of this part is 25-25 cm.

In the process of creating a leash, do not forget that the stock is still caught to be left for the nodule, which will have to tie the hook.

Now it's time to talk about hook. Experienced fishermen are confident that this item is the main thing in the whole structure. Most often, even if the fisherman independently makes the fishing rod, such an element as a hook is bought in the store, so that it is not time for the manufacture of time (it will be needed a lot for this purpose). If you decide to make a super economical option, then you will have to make a hook yourself.

The material for it can be chosen any, starting from the metal, ending with the wire. If you have a lathe, then, most likely, the difficulty does this process cause you.

Krepim is our hook to the fishing line, and enjoy your masterpiece with which you can go to the next fishing and try out this device for fishing. Do not worry if you do nothing for the first time, because the first pancake comormed is normal.

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