How to make a doll-motanku

How to make a doll-motanku

On the length many hundreds of years people trust v existence evil spirits and for protection used all manner of charms. So dollmotankathat necessarily need to do n. hands, counts the strongest amuletBy legends doll endowed with magic by force  and capable fulfill wish. A also trust, what she supports family hearth, that's why her mothers transmit daughters from generation v generation.

Basic rules for creating dolls motanki

  • Front manufacturing you must psychologically tune, are making you obereg his life.
  • W. you should be specific purpose, it is forbidden, making motanku, want all, follow decide, what exactly you want to: love or health, good luck or material values.proceeding from goals, we define suitable day for winding dolls. To v family appeared money, then shakes doll on the growing moon. If need to escape from issuesdecreasing moon. For conservation family wellbeing need to full moon.
  • It is forbidden save winding or stretch on the several days, doll produce per 1 day, otherwise obereg not work. Sometimes it maybe bring and adversity.
  • Choose for dolls only natural materials, it is better take rags from stroy. clothes your grandma or parents.

What is needed for the doll motanki

motanku maybe do each female, independently from age, main decide with a view to and tune on the process. If same doll done for whomthen, then all thoughts at the must be positive and yours intentions sincere.

Materials are used self simple:

  • White natural the cloth.
  • Loskutka color cloth for clothes.
  • wadding for manufacturing  head.
  • Colored natural thread.

Do motanku doll with his own hands

  • We start with the head. Take deferred white piece of cloth in the middle of it add up wool, form the head, folding the fabric.
  • The faces of the dolls do not, so take a colored thread and wound it all over the head, should cross out.
  • Getting to the body and hands dolls. Take two white cloth rag and turn them in the form of tubes.
  • A tube that is longer, folded in half and tied the thread.
  • Hands make similar and insert into the hole, their bandages to the body.
  • Now connect your head and the resulting body. To do this, using the thread, we wake the neck at the bottom of the head, capturing the flap of the body.
  • It remains to wear a doll. In advance of the collar tissue skirt - it's also the feet of the Motanka. It is better to do it in advance, because the winding process does not imply a sewing. Decorate the skirt to the apron, and the pucks from the threads are gossiping braids. You can add beads.

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