How to make a doll sock

How to make a doll sock

Did you have lost one sock? Do not throw away the second, and make an original toy toy from it - a funny doll. It will spend some time and effort on its manufacture. Attract the child's work, this is a very interesting lesson! It will turn out a doll for the home theater and for different games.

We make a sock doll - the first way


  • pure sock of any color;
  • singry procession for packing;
  • scissors;
  • kapron thread;
  • eye Buttons.

Cut with scissors all the rubber band on the sock. Slide socksier, but do not lay it tightly. After filling in the package neatly squeeze the hole in the nickname. You got a soft oval blank. Start turning the blank in the doll:

  • make a doll head and torso with the use of kapron thread. For this, strongly pull the soft blank with a thread into two parts. For the head with the face there will be a smaller upper part, and for the body - a large bottom;
  • formulate the feet doll. To do this, tighten the thread two equal parts at the edges of the bottom of the soft blank;
  • we draw a doll face. Successions of buttons on the face of the pupa - it will be eyes and draw eyelashes in the eyelaster. The mouth can be embedded with a red thread or draw a red felt-tip pen.

Save pants and jackets from pieces of fabric for doll. Sliced \u200b\u200bgum can be a cape.

Making a sock doll - the method of the second

This method is more complicated, you will need a sewing machine. Prepare:

  • threads with needles and scissors;
  • cotton, foam or syntheps;
  • three woolen sock are not very thick. It is advisable to choose socks of the same color;
  • buttons or beads;
  • hair yarn.

Cut one sock into two parts slightly above the heel. The upper part will be head for the doll, and a cut with a heel - torso. Vide the torso packing and neatly squeeze. Further your actions are as follows:

  • make a feet doll from another sock. Cut it in half and the lower part too cut in half, but not across, but along the two legs come out;
  • sust in pairwise segments for legs, turn out and stuff;
  • success to the body of the legs. Make sure that the seams are smooth, otherwise the legs will sing;
  • form the third sock. Cut your hands as legs. Sust them, bring the package and sushit to the body;
  • make a doll head from the part, which was cut out of the first sock. Score it with syntheps and sew;
  • sevive with neat stitches a head to the body;
  • stick on the face of beads or bugs for the eyes. Draw the eyelashes and apply a little ruzy on your cheeks;
  • start making hairstyles dolls. Take the yarn to knit the selected color and sew it to the head, and then form the pigtails.

The doll will work without clothes. Make clothes from any piece of fabric.

We are made of theatrical doll sock

For the manufacture of theater character. Cook long socks of different colors, cardboard, buttons, decorative elements and glue.

Production process:

  • cut from cardboard oval over the width of the sock and fold the part in half;
  • turn the sock inside out and get a cardboard oval into its "nose";
  • after drying the product, remove it.

You have headed a fabulous character type toys-gloves with mouth. The doll can put on your hand and show the children theater representation of the house. It may be a princess, grandmother or another fabulous hero. Stick to the head of buttons for the eyes, do nose from any fabric, and the hair is from the threads.

How to make a sock doll - Useful Tips

Listen to useful recommendations:

  • practice to make dolls from thin cape socks without patterns. Then take socks of thicker materials;
  • use threads under the color of the product;
  • for the first craft, take a sintepon as a filler.

A toy created by caring maternity hands will become much more expensive for the baby than the shopping doll. Under your ready leadership, daughter will be able to independently make a funny doll and there will be no such fun toy at girlfriends.

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