How to make a basket of cones?

How to make a basket of cones?

The comfort in the house creates little things: photo frames, figurines. But special home heat emitted crafts that were made with their own hands. Earth gives us an unlimited amount of natural material from which you can do everything that the soul wishes. Autumn time is a generous generous on nature gifts. In our article you will find simple, but very original master classes for the manufacture of a basket of cones.

Basket of cones (fast handicraft in kindergarten or school)

Baby last night reported that tomorrow you need to bring the autumn craft? Then our advice will be useful to you.

What will take:

  • pine cones - 20 pcs.;
  • thin wire - 40 cm;
  • adhesive pistol.

To create a basket, it is necessary to pick up the most same as the same cones in size. It is pine cones that serve as the basis of the crafts and the appearance of the basket will depend on them.

  • 1 step - from eight cones Make a circle (it will be 1 row), connect them with each other with glue;
  • 2 step - to up 1 rows. Put 6 cones (it will be 2 row), secure their position with glue;
  • 3 Step - You should have a slightly visible space at the bottom of the future basket, close it with 1 or 2 cones, bonded with a glue (glue gun you need to work carefully, try the traces of adhesive to remain in cones);
  • 4 step - we take the wire and start making a handle; The remaining cones connect with a wire with a wire (it is enough to tie around each cone);
  • 5 Step - Wire with bumps with a shape of a handle, fix their position with the help of glue.

So that the basket looks even more effectively, decorate it with decorative rowan berries and coniferous branches.

Tip: If you want the basket to look more accurately, the natural material must be bonded in such a way that the lower part of the cones was with the outside basket, and the upper part was in the middle of the finished composition.

Original basket of cones

When you make a basket of cones, your home will be filled with a slightly catchy smell of pine. From the process of manufacturing and pleasant fragrance, mood rises. Attract your children's masterpieces. After all, make the basket with their own hands very interesting and simple.

What you need:

  • pine cones (it is desirable to choose those that have already revealed well);
  • foam ball for needlework;
  • foil roll;
  • paints gouache or acrylic different colors;
  • glue pistol;
  • colorless nail polish.

Do not forget about small decor elements: small beads, decorative pebbles will give your basket a special, original look.

  • 1 step - Wrap the ball to the middle of the foil several times (this will serve as the basket base), the foam ball can be replaced with a rubber ball of small size;
  • 2 step - without getting a foil from the ball (so it will be easier for you to fulfill further work), start smudgeing foil cones in a circle, starting below;
  • 3 Step - Give adhesion a bit a bit, remove the basis of the basket in a warm place (the ideal place - the windowsill in the heating season) for 20 min;
  • 4 step - We start creating decorations for a basket, take 7 identical cones in size, turn over (work will be performed from the bottom side of the cones);
  • 5 step - a flatter part of the bumps Start painting acrylic paint (you can also use a gouache), the staining is necessary to perform 2-3 layers, from the colored cones you create flowers, do not forget to make it a middle of another color;
  • 6 Step - When the paint is driving, cover the bump of colorless nail polish or spray with a construction varnish from a spray;
  • 7 Step - If you did not find the cones of the same size and between them, the emptiness and foil was formed on the basket and the foil was visible, then it can be closed with decorative natural fiber (sisal).

You can add fresh fruits and berries in the finished basket.

If you want to create a New Year's composition, then make a basket, as described above and decorate it with New Year's colorful attributes: Mishur, garland, small New Year's balls. Do not forget that the finished composition can be painted in any color that comes to your interior.

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