How to make confetti from paper?

How to make confetti from paper?

Want to make a real colorful holiday, while spending the minimum of funds? Then be sure to use our advice how to make confetti from paper with your own hands. Multicolored confetti will create a special, fun atmosphere. Such crafts can be done with the children. In total, half an hour of simple work, you will have colorful circles, from which you can make clappers and confetti bombs. A detailed master class is described in our article.

Easy way to manufacture confetti

Create confetti is very interesting, because you do it with your own hands. The process of their manufacture is very simple, but takes a lot of free time. Therefore, the stationery is coming to the rescue - hole punch.

What will take:

  • glossy colored paper (quantity depends on the desired volume of confetti);
  • hole punch (preferably curious);
  • glitter or sequins;
  • paper clips - 4 pcs.;
  • glue stick.

If you do not have much time on creating a festive decor, you can simply break the colored paper into small particles. But confetti in the form of small circles or other figures looks much more spectacular.

  • 1 stage - connect the sheets of paper with the help of clips from all 4 sides (so that the paper does not slide)
  • 2 Stage - Using a hole punching mugs (from one sheet of colored paper, approximately 130 small figures are the same size);
  • 3 Stage - part of the circles (pick on your own), handle with sparkles, for this white side of the circle to lubricate with a pencil with glue (the usual PVA glue use is not recommended, as it can deform the figure), sprinkle with glitter (you can also use stationery glitter .

To confetti look even more spectacular, add a small amount of thin strips of decorative foil or Christmas tree tinsel.

Homemade flapper with confetti

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the counter stores are covered with a variety of crackers. We offer to make a more budget version of the New Year attribute, but it will make it much more impressions. Also such homemade flappers with confetti can be used for amateur or professional photo shoots.

What will take:

  • cardboard sleeve from toilet paper;
  • inflatable ball;
  • wrapping paper with a New Year's print (or on your discretion);
  • confetti;
  • scissors;
  • wide scotch.

We advise you to choose bushings from dense cardboard, it is important that there are no traces of defects and deformation.

  • Stage 1 - Cut the ball in half (it will take part to work through which the ball is inflated, tie the balloon base);
  • 2 Stage - Put on the ball on the sleeve, it must completely fit to it (if the ball does not repeat the shape of the workpiece, tear it in size);
  • 3 Stage - Well lock the ball with scotch;
  • 4 Stage - Wrap the sleeve with gift paper;
  • Stage 5 - Make confetti, as described in the first section of the article;
  • 6 Stage - Fill the bushing of confetti (half will be enough to get the desired effect);
  • 7 Stage - Pull the ball (part we tied) on yourself and dramatically release.

Such flapper with confetti can be used multipoint.

Original confetti bombs

Confetti will give joy not only to children, but also adults. We have prepared an interesting idea for you how to use a festive attribute.

What will take:

  • chicken eggs;
  • paper napkins or handkerchiefs;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • confetti;
  • awl or needles;
  • paints.

Be sure to involve your loved ones in the process of creating bombings, especially such a snaps like the youngest family members.

  • 1 step - Take a raw egg, make a small hole and give it a track (only a shell is for work);
  • 2 step - empty eggs dry natural way (perfect option - battery in the heating season);
  • 3 Step - Fill in the dried confetti shell, screw the hole with a napkin (several paper layers can be used);
  • 4 step - ready-made "bombs" paint with paints, wait for them to complete drying.

Eggs with confetti will produce amazing impressions on all guests.

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