How to smooth leather jacket

How to smooth leather jacket

Throwing the leather jacket is best smoothed in a dry cleaning, where there are special leather presses. If you do not have the opportunity to pay this expensive service, and the jacket looks bad, try to put it in order yourself.

How to smooth out a leather jacket by the usual iron

This method can only work on very gentle and fine skin.

  • Turn on the iron to a minimum.
  • Spread the jacket on the ironing board.
  • Cover the product with fine paper or newspaper.
  • Smooth jacket barely touching the paper surface.
  • The sleeves smooth out the same way, but be sure to put them on a narrow fitting for sleeves that comes with a board.
  • After ironing, while the product is still warm, hang it to suitable shoulders.
  • Button on the button of buttons or zipper and let it cool in the button.

How to smooth leather jacket steam iron

Having an iron in the house with a vertical swap or a special vapor agent for ironing, the jacket will be smoothed better. This method is suitable for the skin of the middle thickness.

  • Hang the jacket on the shoulders and zipper.
  • Inside the jacket, put a large pillow, so that it is pushing the jacket from the inside. In the same way, inflate and the sleeves - place the terry towels folded in the rollers.
  • Turn on the iron and warm it up to the state when you can use the ferry.
  • Apply the iron to the jacket, but not too close. The winding outlet should be 10-15 centimeter distance from the jacket.
  • Pressing the steam formation button, lead the iron along the jacket, processing the entire surface.
  • After complete skin treatment with steam, condensate residues, blot with a soft sponge or a special napkin to absorb moisture.
  • After 30 minutes, remove the pillow and towels from the jacket.
  • Give a jacket to dry completely.

How to smooth leather jacket steam over the pelvis

Very thick leather jacket, you can try to smooth out by hanging it in the bathroom of steam.

  • Place the jacket on the shoulders and fasten all the buttons and zippers.
  • Hangers hang it on a rope over the bath.
  • At the bottom of the tub put a bowl, which is filled with boiling water.
  • Close the bathroom door that did not go out of her pairs.
  • After 1 hour of shift chilled water in a basin for a new batch of boiling water.
  • Change the water as long as the jacket acquire marketability.
  • Take your jacket in the room and let it dry indoor room temperature.

How smooth leather jacket - warnings and tips

Immediately after any smoothing not carry the jacket on the sunny balcony and into the cold aisle. temperature sharp drop hurt natural skin and it will begin to shrink and crack over time.

One day after the smoothing coat, treat it with special protective and emollient for the skin.

That your jacket does not myalas, take care of it all year round.

  • Returning home from the street, hang it on a wide hanger.
  • Wet jacket sure to let it dry in the room.
  • Dry jacket hang in the closet and closed only on a hanger. Make sure that the product is in the closet hanging freely and was not clamped other outerwear.
  • Periodically treat skin silicone impregnation, which does not allow it to soak into the precipitation in the form of rain and snow.
  • When the weather is rain, be sure to use an umbrella.

If you live in a city where there is the clothing market, you can find it on store leather goods. Their owners, who are trying to sell their goods more expensive, sometimes buy presses for leather. Try to negotiate with the seller about the smoothing of your jacket. It is possible that his service will cost less than the dry cleaners.

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