How to calculate the delay penis

How to calculate the delay penis

The penalty for the delay in payment is one of the most common ways to maintain financial discipline. Even if the loan agreement does not indicate a penalty, the lender has the full right to recover it.

If you want to independently calculate the penalty, find a loan agreement and carefully examine it. In most cases, it will be indicated that the delay in payment is charged a penalty until the moment of full repayment of debt. Each bank charges its interest for a penalty. For example, each drawing can do it in 500 rubles. At the same time, fines can grow. You will have to pay 600 rubles for the second delay, on the third - 800 and so on.

Some banks use combined methods, for example, they can accrue a penalty for each day of delay and accrue monthly fines. Therefore, before miscalculation, it makes sense to carefully read the loan agreement or explore the data on the website of the service bank.

Consider a classic option for calculating a penalty for the delay of debt. Suppose, in your loan agreement it is stated that for each day the delay will accrue a fine, which is 1% of the overdue amount. Multiply the amount of overdue amount to the specified percentage. Suppose that the magnitude of your monthly contribution is 1000 rubles. For example, you paid 400 on time, and the rest of the 600 fell into delay.

Consequently, if you make payment for one day, its amount will increase by 6 rubles. Therefore, at the end of the first overdue day, you have to pay no longer 600 rubles, and 606. All subsequent days of penalties will be accrued to an ever-increasing amount. For example, on the second day of delay, the penalty will be accrued not by 600 rubles, but by 606. By the end of the second day, your debt will grow to 612 rubles.

On the third day of delay, the penalty will be treated from 612 rubles. Consequently, on the third day of delay you will need to pay 618 rubles. Thus, you will have to pay money not only for every overdue day, but also for the amount exegeted.

If you are going to pay off debt through the terminal, remember that money can not get to the bill. Some terminals translate money from one to seven days. If the date of repayment falls on the weekend and you understand that you will not be able to make the amount on this day, make a payment on the eve.

If you find it difficult to calculate the penalty yourself, talk to the Bank's consultants who serves you. If you have a computer and Internet access, you can take advantage of special debt calculation programs.

Try to correctly calculate the penalty. If you are incomplete payment of debt, a fine will be accrued again to the unpaid amount. Most borrowers relate pretty negotically to their duties, and then suddenly discovers that they repaired the amount not on time and the penalties were accrued to it, which they did not pay off. Always keep track of your credit account state not to receive such unpleasant surprises. Check it from time to time until paying the entire amount.

The above-mentioned tips will help you correctly calculate the delay in payment and further adhere to a clear debt repayment schedule. Try to keep a good credit history and restore the reputation, in order not to explain to lenders in the future, why did you cross the payment.

Comments leave a comment
Dmitriy 07/18/2015 at 15:09

Either you have outdated information, or you are not very competent. Penalty for the delay in payment is established by law 353 of the Federal Law on Consumer Credit. In accordance with Article 5 of paragraph 2 of this law, the penalty cannot exceed 20% per annum for each day of delay or 0.054% per day.


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