How to work with plasterboard

How to work with plasterboard

Since such a construction miracle appeared - drywall, make repair and transform the housing is easier. An unusual multi-level ceiling with embedded lamps is not a question. Arches, a variety of niches and even furniture - all this happened to be done with the help of this universal material.

Required tool:

  • knife for working with plasterboard;
  • hydroelectory;
  • rule for plasterboard sheets;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • a corner machine or metal scissors;
  • construction roulette;
  • putty and spatulas;
  • electrolovka for cutting parts and trimming sheets.

Based on what you plan to do, calculate how many sheets you need. It is simple enough: Measure the upcoming front of the work, namely the ceiling or wall area. Calculate the number of plasterboard sheets. These are usually the dimensions of the standard - 2.5 * 1.25 m, but others meet. Therefore, check the seller the size of the sheets. But the thickness of them is different, select the appropriate you. Add to the resulting number of about 10% about the reserve. Do not forget about the mounting structures. The number of self-tapping screws will depend on the scheme of the future products from drywall.

In order to cut out some form from the sheet, be sure to measure the size and tick the pencil. If the form is intricate, use stencils from paper or cardboard. If you just need to cut off a flat line, use the paper or construction knife. Mark the intended incision and swipe along the line from two sides of the plasterboard. Attach the place of the alleged cut to the edge of the table and move gently on the edge of the sheet. More complex cuts are best done with the help of electric jigsaw.

If you plan to see the whole room with plasterboard, start with the ceiling, and even then you will be thrown over the walls. Without assistant, you can not do. Put the speed on the screwdriver close to the minimum. Be extremely attentive. The slightest error - and the head of the screw will already be strongly dug in plasterboard. If this happened, of course, it is possible to fix with a putty, but this is an extra work.

Connect the seams between the sheets of the sticky grid ribbon, which is sold in construction stores and is designed specifically for drywall.

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Cable, wiring and disassets provide good insulation, as the plasterboard can easily light up in the event of a closure.

Corners Close the special metal angular profile using the level.

Now everything needs to shade. It usually passes in two stages. The first is finishing seams, irregularities and cracks. Suts with a slight layer with a small layer, close the various small gaps, withdrawing everything to one level, close the hats of the screws, if necessary. The second stage is the finish putty. If necessary, make a flat layer of putty along the entire surface of the plasterboard.

It is easy to work with drywall, it is easy and easy to handle, from it you can make any design, go with wallpaper or paint into different colors. You need to know only a few rules for handling it, and it will become obedient in your hands, and your home will be transformed.


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